SCP-001: The Database

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SCP-001>> S Andrew Swann's Proposal

Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: There is no means to contain SCP-001 yet found that does not risk a potential ZK Reality Failure event and subsequent destruction of the observable universe. (See: Containment Protocol ZK-001-Alpha) Current procedures are limited to the absolute containment of information regarding SCP-001. No data regarding the nature or description of SCP-001 shall be provided to any personnel with the sole exception of the senior member of O5 Command. (Currently O5-█) All data collected in regard to SCP-001 shall be stored in encrypted form via [REDACTED], with the decryption key split into thirds. Each member of O5 Command shall memorize one third, and only one third, of the decryption key. Data shall only be decrypted on a network-isolated eyes-only terminal to be read only by the senior member of O5 Command, and then only after unanimous consent of O5 Command.

Leaking of data about SCP-001, through espionage, telepathic leakage, original research or [REDACTED] must be contained by any and all means available to the Foundation. The senior member of O5 Command, as the one person with authorized knowledge about SCP-001, is the final arbiter on containment.

Foundation personnel of Level two or higher who discover data about SCP-001 in the course of their normal duties may be given a Class A Amnestic after debriefing rather than being terminated. This is subject to O5 approval on a case-by-case basis.

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Addendum: Containment Log 001-Alpha

Date: 01/12/19██

Incident: Documents appear on Internet site [REDACTED] servers seized and authors traced to [REDACTED]. Resulting explosion explained as gas leak. Monitoring has not shown any further propagation of documents.

Date: 03/31/19██

Incident: Script with possibly compromising information optioned for production by ██████ ████. Pictures. Original scriptwriter [REDACTED] agents successfully replace script with one re-written without [REDACTED]. Film is produced with title ███ ██████ and grosses $27 million its opening weekend.

Date: 06/19/19██

Incident: Novel outline describing [REDACTED] submitted to [REDACTED] by best-selling author █████ ████. Attempt to neutralize author unsuccessful, leading to high profile hospitalization. O5 authorizes the use of Class A Amnestic to prevent more attention to case. Outline recovered and destroyed.

D█te: o5/2█/20█z

IncIdeN█: FounDAtIon R█searcHe█%20discov

Ask yourself if you want to know.

If the answer is no, then you need to stop reading now. If you go and report this unauthorized file to your superiors, act contrite, and claim that you only read to this paragraph, you might get away with a Class A Amnestic. If you're lucky. And if the O5s aren't particularly paranoid at the moment.

So you want to know what SCP-001 is? The first answer is that it is was a placeholder, a theoretical designation for the prime cause, the ultimate reason for all the paranormal crap we deal with on a daily basis. SCP-001 is why we have to deal with omnicidal reptiles, ever expanding rooms, extra-dimensional pools of red goop and consumer products that don't obey the normal laws of physics. Of course, given that all these things— as dangerous and deadly and just plain insane as they all are— are inherently patternless and self-contradictory, most researchers are convinced that there is no possible unifying principle for them all, much less a common source.

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