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Real Daughter Slaps Her Face Everyday [Entertainment Circle] Chapter 32:
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The rain tower does not rain on a large scale like a fire truck, so only Zhang Lai was caught in the rain.

According to the content of the script, the heroine played by Xiao Lan has always had a good impression of the male lead. At this moment, she rushed to Zhang Lai a few steps to block the rain with a book. Before she could speak her lines, the director called her to stop.

"Xiao Lan, your expression is wrong. When facing Zhang Lai, you have to show distress, and you can't rush past with no expression, so that you can't express the girl's secret love, do you understand?" Cao Lei said patiently Explanation.

Hearing this, Xiao Lan's expression on her face is not very good. In this crew, she is the most famous actor. At the moment, in front of all the actors and staff, she is reprimanded by a little-known director like Cao Lei. What's the reason for him? Had it not been for Meng Zhen's acceptance of this drama, she would not have made such a small-cost comedy.

Fortunately, Xiao Lan has made her debut for so many years, and facial expression management is a compulsory course for female stars.

"Director, don't worry. Trying again will definitely satisfy you." Xiao Lan vowed and said.

Cao Lei has been working hard in the movie circle since a few years ago, but because Xiao Lan is acting in a TV series, the two have never worked together. I didn't expect her acting skills to be so difficult to describe. Didn't you say that she was born in a class?

Cao Lei secretly slandered himself and asked the staff to get ready. Zhang Lai stood within the reach of the rain tower, with his face drooping in the rain, his eyes staring straight at the distant figure of Meng Zhen.

Xiao Lan took the book and ran over again. She deliberately made a distressed look, raised her head, let her profile look into the mirror from the most beautiful angle, and said dumbly: "You are a fool. If you like someone, go after it. What's the use of looking like this!"

While talking, Xiao Lan stood on tiptoe, trying to protect Zhang from the rain with a book, but her hands trembled when she was poured by the cold rain, and the two books fell directly on the muddy ground.

"Stop! Xiao Lan, what's the matter with you? It's Zhang Lai who is in the rain, not you. If you can't even hold the two books securely, what kind of play will you play?"

Usually Cao Lei has a carefree personality, and all the crew members can mingle with him, but when he arrives on the set, he has changed from a gentle little sheep to a fire-breathing dragon. Once the actor fails to meet his requirements, Cao Lei will be extremely irritable.

Xiao Lan's face was hot. Just now, she only cared about the good looking angle of herself in the lens, and didn't notice anything else, so she didn't grasp the props.

"Director, I'm not good, let's start again."

"It's okay for you to start again. Zhang Lai has been showering under the rain tower. Today's temperature is only ten degrees, so please use snacks." Cao Lei's words were already quite heavy, and Xiao Lan was suffocating in his heart. Can not vent, can only gritted his teeth and nodded.

At this moment, Meng Zhen was standing in front of the gravel road, and Xiao Lan's distorted expression was swept away. The strange feeling still did not disappear.

Xiao Lan's ratings were good when she made serial dramas. Even if she wanted to switch to the film industry, she shouldn't start with comedies. Instead, she should find a literary and artistic film that can win prizes. She appeared in this crew. It was unreasonable.

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