9 ∞ Preparing for Launch

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Day 00002 Mission Nilex

Gareth awoke eight hours later to the gentle brightening of the lights, and stretched. «Anything to report, Canaisis?» he thought as he got out of bed.

«The final seed pods are in orbit stationary to me. I've begun moving them using the excess fuel as reaction mass. I've already given the first one an examination in the X-ray, gamma, and neutrino spectrum. There are parts that are heavily shielded, as expected for biological containers, but the others look exactly as I would expect. I'll begin bringing the rest in shortly, now that you're awake.

«The guests are all in cold sleep. The cargo looks to be secured satisfactorily. A remaining fourteen Humans are in Hangar 2, including Ahmid and Ayla.»

Gareth thought about the situation as he put on his uniform, wrapped his belt around himself and cinched it.

«Alert Earth that communication will open in two hours for me, Canaisis. Go ahead and bring the pods in as fast as possible. Still examine them, but let's get ready to leave orbit. I'm not waiting one minute longer than we have to, if I can help it. After we complete this voyage, I'm thinking about going back to the Andorias system and see how they're doing. What would be the time dilation, Canaisis?»

«The voyage would be 409 years their time. Including this Mission, it would be 745 years.»

«Well, that will certainly give them the chance to develop into a high level of technology,» he thought. Speaking out loud, he said, "Canaisis, I think you're right." He shrugged his jacket on and picked up his sidearm.

"Of course I am, Captain, but to which subject are you referring to at this moment?" she said with teasing in her voice.

He smiled at that and slid his sidearm into its holster. "I think I do want to test the fusion engines," he said as he turned to exit the cabin.

Canaisis mental voice came first as a short laugh and then, «Aye, Captain, a test run after the refit is only proper.»

He strolled to the break room, made himself tea, and broke open a nutrient bar. Then he flipped up a monitor mounted flush in the table.

«Let's see what you saw in those seed pods.»

The monitor lit up to show a seed pod starting to eclipse the sun, and then it zoomed in and changed spectrum. In black and white, the image of the pod was transparent, the beginnings of the interior becoming visible.

"Pause and zoom in. Let's look closely, frame by frame."

A half-hour later, Gareth hadn't found anything out of the ordinary. He left the break room and started for the transport tube. Arriving at the door to Hangar Bay 2, he paused. "Canaisis, locate Ahmid, please."

"He's in a hydroponic container to your left as you enter."

He strode into the hangar, turning left. Immediately the boatswain whistle sounded and Canaisis announced, "Captain on the deck!"

Directly ahead and a row back, Ahmid and Ayla walked towards him. Others from among the equipment and containers also came out. All of them except Ahmid got to their knees, head bowed. Ahmid approached, exhaustion on his face and eyes. He must have been up all night by his clock time, Gareth thought, as Ahmid bowed before him.

"Leader Ahmid, report on the status of your preparations," Gareth said sternly.

Ahmid didn't seem phased at all. "I'm happy to say that the preparations are complete, Captain."

"Good, I wish to depart as soon as possible. Those of you who are remaining awake for the departure will need to go to the locker room and change into ship suits, then go to the shuttles and strap in. After that, I'll call you to the Bridge, Ahmid." Gareth pointed back towards the door he just came through. "The transport shaft is through that way. After departure, we'll all have time to rest.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now