20 ∞ Up Against a Wall

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to  _Esli_ who returned to us after being away two years. We missed you.  
Sincerely, Raven
P.S. Hit that star button!

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Day 00004 Mission Nilex

Laughter echoed through Gareth's thoughts as he raised his eyes to focus ahead. He was in view of the Fishery entrance, and Ayla was standing there watching his approach. Two others were kneeling just outside the doorway framing Ayla. Fortunately, they had their heads lowered, but Ayla was looking directly at him as he straightened his face to a neutral expression.

He was going to have to be more careful. It wouldn't do for the guests to think he was mentally unstable. As he closed the distance, he studied her face, but all he found was her open curiosity as she observed him back.

Then a thought occurred to him. «Canaisis, would you check on that child born twenty-one years ago? What happened to it? Did it suffer a fatality?»

«No, Captain. Nilex records show that its employment was transferred to another company at the age of four. I see a financial expenditure in the records for that time. It seems Nilex sought legal help to protest the transfer.»

Transfer? What the hell did that mean? Transfer of employment of a four-year-old child? Something was definitely different about this society, and Gareth needed to find out what before he walked into something bad. Some of the worst atrocities in Human history occurred because of cultural differences.

«Keep digging, Canaisis,» he thought as he halted before Ayla and bowed his head slightly. "Greetings, Ayla."

"I humbly return thy greetings, Captain."

Ayla bowed low at the waist.

"I understand that the generator installation is almost complete. I came to help with the replacement of the shield wall panel."

"We're grateful for your help, and of all you have done."

"It's nothing, Ayla."

"Not to us, Captain, not to us. You've brought us a hope we could not imagine coming. Even now, I find it hard to believe that we're on our way to a new home."

He smiled at her. "It's Our Mission, Ayla. It's you who are helping Us to fulfill that Mission."

She smiled in return, realizing he'd turned the conversation back on her. "Please, may I walk with you to Ahmid? I know he'll be pleased to see you."

He gestured for her to walk with him, and they strolled in silence around the first corner of the Fishery. As they headed down the long sidewall of the facility, Ayla said, "Tell me about yourself, Captain. Do you have family here or in another star system?"


"I am sorry."

To break the awkward silence, he asked in return, "What of yourself? Is there a significant other? Any children?"

"I am as yet unmated."

He thought about that for a moment. "Do you look forward to having children, Ayla?"

"I am happy to serve the People," she said, her voice subdued.

He turned his gaze to her, not understanding what she meant. But she kept her eyes lowered as she looked straight ahead.

"What does having children have to do with serving the People?"

"It is the duty of Corporate employees to serve Humanity above profit and self-interest, Captain. This includes our children as well—they too must serve the People. It is our duty."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New Missionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن