44. Light

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I walk into the sun flooded math classroom and sit down all the way at the back. This is a 'Sky-class' as I call it. Meaning, I share this class with Sky. There aren't many of those so I cherish it. He's kind of late today, I notice. So far he's always come in at least ten minutes before the class starts but not today. He has one more minute. 

You'd think that since we have the same friends and we see each other at school we'd still talk and all that but no. It's always complete silence with us. 

The bell rings and just then Sky bursts through the door. 

Our math teacher crosses her arms. 

"Sky.." She says annoyed. 

"I'm sorry. I had.. stuff." He says lamely. 

The teacher sighs and steps aside. "Come in." 


Wow. He actually cares he's late. What happened to him? 

Sky walks down the path of seats and he and I simultaneously realize that the only seat available is the one next to me. 

I take my bag off the chair. 

"Thanks." He smiles and sits down. 

I haven't had him this close to me in so long. He smells so nice. Fresh. Like Sky.

"Alright everyone." The teacher begins. 

"Look next to you. The person sitting next to you will be your partner for this upcoming test. And for the whole year." 

Everyone groans. Not us. We just give each other a quick glance before focusing on the teacher again. The whole time my heart beats out of my chest. 


Our math teacher decided that after our first few weeks this year, having seen our latest abominable grades that we are to split into groups of two and do math homework together for the rest of the year. This way we can help each other blabla. She also said she'll be checking our answers and explanations so there's no way around it. 

I was ecstatic. I get to be around Sky for much longer now. 

I'm driving to his house since we decided to do this week's homework today. His day was shorter than mine so he went on ahead. I'm anxious to be alone with him. 

I ring the doorbell and wait nervously. 

After a while the door opens. 

I try to breathe normally. 

Sky's wearing an oversized white sweater with light gray jog shorts, white socks and his usual jewelry. His hair's all messy but not in a 'I just woke up' kind of way but in a 'I'm a model and this shoot required messy hair' kind of way. 

I gulp. 

"Hi! Come in." Sky holds the door open and I walk inside. 

Even the apartment looks different. The wooden floor is clean and there isn't so much clutter like before. The curtains are open so it's flooding with light. 

"Do you want a drink?" Sky asks. 

"Uh, yeah.." 


"Just coffee's fine." 

"Sure." Sky starts working on it. 

"My mom might come home later and disturb us so maybe we should work in my room." 

"Yeah, sure." I agree a little too eagerly. 

I make my way to Sky's room and it too, has had a huge transformation.

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