57. Surprise

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It's the end of the school year. Aron, Loren and surprisingly, I all graduated yesterday. We're throwing a party to celebrate. Though Aron can't make it since he has college stuff to do. He's helping with the decorating though.

These past couple of weeks have been.. so strange. It's like the air is clear and everything's alright again. I don't know how it happened, but Aron and Chase have become like best friends or something. It's insane! They actually like each other now. Chase has gotten help for his depression and everything. I was really happy to hear he told Steven that he was cutting and stuff. I didn't wanna rat him out again but not telling Steven felt so wrong. Chase is working on himself and getting better every day. He's also much better about me being with Aron.. which is a weight off my shoulders.

Aron's been living here these past couple of months but he found an apartment that he's moving into soon. I'm really gonna miss having him around all the time. I like him always being there. I like being able to kiss him or talk to him (or eat his food) whenever I want to. It's all gonna change now. He's going to be studying law next year, which isn't very surprising since he's super smart and has a big mouth and a deep understanding of justice. Loren got into Yale, also not very surprising. She actually wanted to turn it down because of Rose since she wouldn't be around enough but her parents and I all got together and told her to go. It's super far away but we can manage. I'm taking a gap year. I really have no fucking idea what I want to do with the rest of my life but one thing's for sure: I don't want to be away from my daughter. So this way it's perfect. Loren can go to college while Rose stays with me. She'll visit lots and it'll be great.

Aron and I are decorating the house, getting ready for the party when the doorbell rings. 

I open the door.

Chase smiles when he sees me. "Hey!" 

"Hey." I step aside and let him in.

"Is Aron here?" He asks. 

This is so fucking weird. The tables have turned. 

I sigh. 

"He's in the kitchen." 

Chase walks right through and a moment later I hear laughter. 


I walk into the kitchen to find Chase and Aron play-fighting. 

"Wow." Is all I say. 

"Jealous?" Aron smirks. 

"Definitely not." I grab my keys. 

"I gotta go." 

Last therapy sesh. Woo. 

I walk over to Aron and give him a kiss. 

"Are you sure you can't come?" I pout.

"I'm sorry. I'll be there next time." He kisses my forehead. 

Meanwhile, Chase is in the background eating all the snacks. 


"What?" He mumbles, his mouth completely stuffed. The amount of food he eats these days is insane. 

"Stop eating all the snacks!"

"It's meant to be eaten, right?" He says after he swallowed. 

"Yeah, later!" 

He sighs. 

"Watch him." I say to Aron, giving him one more kiss before I go. 


I sit across from Jennifer who's beaming at me.

"Sky, I think you've made great progress. How do you feel?"

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