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It's been 6 days since we moved in here. In that time we have put the rest of our things away, cleaned up and gone shopping. I have to say that the city here is quite nice, but no comparison to London.

I miss everything there very much. The food, the people and especially Ella. I've written to her every day and talked to her on the phone, but it's not the same.

Today is Sunday and tomorrow is my first day of school. We have already driven past my new school a few times. It's near here and it only takes me about 10 minutes to walk there.

The school is also huge and looks pretty crappy from the outside. Despite all that, I'm excited about the students, the teachers and the lessons. Let's see if I can cope with the language. The only words I can say in German so far are Arschloch (asshole), Hallo(Hello), Danke(Thank you) and Tschüss(Bye). At this moment I just get a message from Ella.


I wish you all the best for

thanks, but it's gonna
be so bad

I'm sure you can do it.
Anyway, I'm busy right
now, talk to you soon, bye

Was it just my imagination or did she not want to write anymore? No, I'm definitely wrong.

I should go to bed a little earlier tonight so that I'm reasonably fit for the day and don't fall asleep in class again straight away.

That's why I watch a series on Netflix and then I'm sure I'll slowly fall asleep. But just before I fall asleep, I get a notification. *e.l.l.a has tagged you in a post*

It's a picture of the to of us, standing next to a traffic light.

The photo was taken by my little sister about 6 months ago. She was only 14 when it happened. She and my dad were picking me up from school (she had the day off) to go to a West Ham football match, our favourite club.

Then the call came into the school. It was the worst moment of my life and I will never forget it.

That club is what brought the three of us together, so I haven't been back since the accident. I have to say I miss it, but I definitely don't want to go alone and I don't even have to ask my mum or Ella to come with me. With these thoughts, I finally fall asleep.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. Wake up. Today is your first day." "Fuck school. I'm staying here," I say resolutely and my mother rolls her eyes. "Go take a shower and then put on some decent clothes. The others need to have a proper impression of you at least once."

"I don't give a shit what the others think. They should think what they want of me and I'll wear what I want," I say as I stand up. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, I get it, but hurry up. You're almost late again anyway."

After I have showered and put on my make-up, I look for something to wear and then go downstairs.

"Mum? Where are you?", I shout trough the house. "I'm in the kitchen.", she shouts back. I start to go to her and when I get there I ask her: "How much time do I have?" "Classes start at 8 o'clock." It's 7:50, so there's still time to have breakfast. I take some bread from the cupboard...

"What are you doing? You don't have time for breakfast." "Of course I still have time. I only need 10 minutes." "You already have to walk there for 10 minutes. "Then I'll walk faster." My mother rolls her eyes and leaves me alone in the kitchen.

I make myself two Nutella sandwiches. I always have breakfast, when I'm awake that early and there is always Nutella.

After I have eaten everything, I slowly walk to the front door. "Bye Mum. See you later." "Bye sweetheart, have a great time," she replies. Is there even one person in the world who likes going to school? No, I don't think so.

At 8:15 I finally arrive at the school and look for the secretary's office, but I can't find it anywhere.  "Can you show me the secretary's office?" I ask a student of about 12, who just looks at me stupidly.

"Ah, you don't understand me," I suddenly remember. "Secretariat?" I try to express myself as well as possible. She nods and continues walking. A few minutes later we are at the secretary's office.

"Danke," I say to the girl in German and then go into the room. "Ah you must be Leya Martinez, right?" a small, petite, older lady asks me. "Yes." She looks at me a little surprised at my tone.

"Okay good. Here's the list for the books, it's got all the stuff you need here. And here's your timetable. Now you have maths in room 234, with Herrn Schmidt. Do you have any questions for me?" She hands me the two sheets and I shake my head. "Then please go to your class now, okay?"

I don't answer her, but just walk out of the room, looking for the next one. Here is room 233... Ah, there it is. Do I just have to knock on it now? I take a deep breath in and out and finally knock. A few seconds later an old man opens the door. Is that the teacher? Is he even allowed to teach at this age?

"Ah. Du musst die Neue sein, oder?" he asks me in German and I don't understand a word. "Come in, come in," he finally says in English and in no time at all I'm standing in front of the whole class. All eyes are on me.

"Willst du dich nicht vorstellen?" he says again in German. The guy knows 100% that I've only been living here in Germany for a week. He's only doing it to annoy me. "Can't you say it in English? I don't understand a word."

"Of course. I said, Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ah. "Not really but... okay. So uhm my name is Leya Martinez, I'm 16 years old and I moved here from London. Any other questions?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" a boy asks with a disgusting look on his face ", I look him up and down once, ... eww. I don't answer him but just look for a seat.

In the last row I hear a girl laughing softly. When I look at her, her laughter disappears immediately and she looks down at her table. She is the only one in this class who looks quite nice. Maybe I should sit next to her.

Without saying anything, I just sit down. "Da ja jetzt alles geklärt ist, können wir ja mit dem Unterricht weiter machen," says Herr Schmatz, or something like that, again in German.

Only now do I notice a group of five girls who are looking at me all the time and making fun of me. I just roll my eyes and ignore them. I already know these people who come to school like a Barbie to impress boys. They are always the ones who put other girls down in front of boys to make themselves look better.

"I think you've noticed them, haven't you?" the girl next to me asks. "Who?" I think she means the pick me. "Pick me." "My thought exactly," I laugh. "I'm Kiara, by the way." "I'm still Leya." She smiles. "Do you like anyone here in class?", I ask her.

"No. Ever since I came out as a lesbian, no one wanted anything to do with me." "Eww what kind of people are these? And I'm sure Barbie 1 over there thought you are in love with her because you looked at her once." "Oh wow. You're better than I thought." "Well. There are people like that in London too. Believe it or not," I say sarcastically.

The school day flew by and now I'm on my way home again. I exchanged numbers with Kiara so that I can always ask her something.

"Mum. I'm back." Not 10 seconds later, she's peppering me with questions and I tell her everything over lunch. "So how was your first day at work?" My mother found a job in an office somewhere here, where she earns quite well and doesn't have to do much for it.

"It was great. And guess who works there too?" "I don't know anyone here yet. So how should I know?" "Yeah right. I'm sorry my darling." she replies. "Yes, who is it now?" I ask eagerly.

"Denise." "Denise?" who the fuck is that, "Denise Bellingham. We even share an office." Oh no. Not that too. "And the best part is, she invited us to dinner on Friday." Help. This just gets worse and worse.

"Are you okay, sweetie? You're so pale all of a sudden. "Yes, everything is fine. I think I'll go upstairs now, I have some homework to do and then I'll probably go to bed early."

She's probably wondering what's wrong with me. I never do my homework. At least not by myself and I never go to bed early. But today I'm really tired and I won't get through the next few days here without sleep. "Okay then good night, my dear. I'll wake you up tomorrow again okay?" "Yes. Thank you."

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