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The next morning, well, if you can call it a morning, I wake up at 3pm. I take my mobile phone and hope that there might be a message from him on it. But no. No new messages.

Today is Saturday, which means that the Bundesliga is on. Every Saturday I sit in front of the TV and watch football all day.

He has a game today. Borussia Dortmund against RB Leipzig. Maybe I should wish him luck. But maybe it's already too late for that. The game starts in 30 minutes. Okay, I'll just do it.

Jude Bellingham

Good luck with your game

thank you

wait are you
watching it?

yeah , I kinda watch
every football match 
I can

Please win. I hate Leipzig

Okay, I'll do my best

I lied. I watch him the whole game. And he has actually scored 2 goals so far.

He just had another chance, probably the last one of the game. Yes. The referee finishes. The final score is 3:1 for Dortmund. I'm proud of him that he has already achieved so much at such a young age.

After an hour, I get another message.

Jude Bellingham

I even scored two goals

yeah I saw it .
Quite impressive


I want to ask you

You wanna come over

Sure, why not? When?

Maybe on Monday?
I don't have training there

I have school until 1 pm
but  I'll come afterwards

Okay good, bye

I would like it to be Monday again. I don't know how I'm going to get through school when I meet Jude afterwards. He seems to be really nice.

At this moment, a post-match interview with Gio Reyna comes on the TV. I turn the TV up and listen carefully.

"Good evening Giovanni Reyna. First of all, congratulations on this important victory against RB Leipzig. How does it feel to score such a great goal in such a stadium, with such fans, in such an important game?"

"Yeah. I don't really have any words for how it feels. It's an unbelievable feeling every time to stand on that pitch and know that 80,000 people are watching you live from the stadium, and even more from the TV. When the fans start chanting your name and start celebrating you for what you do for this club, for all the people who are attached to this club, you get goose bumps very quickly. And those are moments that even a world footballer like Ronaldo or Messi will never forget. That's what football is all about."

"Such a nice answer. However, I have also seen those matches with Jude Bellingham. You set up those two, extremely beautiful, goals of his and everyone can see that you play incredibly together. What's your secret?"

"I don't think there's really a secret. We both love playing football. We are a good team, in and out of the team. We meet in private often and get on really well. And I think that has a bit of an effect on our style of play as well."

"Thank you for the interview. Good luck to you." Gio walks away grinning.

I spend the rest of the weekend with my mother or alone in my room.

On Monday at school I meet K again, who wants to know all about our dinner... again. I also tell her about the cheer and that I'm going to him today. She is probably 200 times more excited than I am.

The school day goes by far too slowly and when the bell rings, we stand in the corridor for another 5 minutes. We talk about how I should behave, whether I should bring up this interview.

Suddenly Tiffany and her girls stand next to us. "Omg guys. Did you see the interview with Gio Reyna? Jude's best friend?", Tiffany asks us in an excited voice. "Yeah. Everyone at this school saw it," replies K. "You won't believe this but that cheer pointing at the camera, he did that just for me. He's sooo cute.", Tiffany says lying. I have to laugh a little, but stop immediately before she can notice anything. but already too late. "Why are you laughing? Just because he didn't do something like that for you?" she asks me cheekily. Okay she asked for it. "Actually, he did," I say to her. Her arrogant smile suddenly disappears.  "Yes, of course," she says, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, everything you just told me about was for me." She wide her eyes and grits her teeth. Next to me I hear K laughing. "You're lying." "Am I? I don't know. We'll see eventually, won't we?" I smile at her, wink at her, turn and walk away with Kiara.

"She's so annoying. ", I'm about to say when K suddenly stops in the exit doorway. "Um... Leya there he stands..." "Who?", my voice lowers as I suddenly see him. "Oh shit.", I add.

Behind us, the pain in the ass and her followers are standing again, looking out the door just as shocked as we are. "Leya go. Now. I'll see you tomorrow," K says as she already walks through the door and leaves.

"Wait. Kiara. What am I supposed to do now?", I call after her, but she already doesn't hear me. I'm surprised that the ones behind me haven't said a word. Well, never mind. I take a deep breath in and out and then leave the school building.

"Hey.", I greet him and again give him a peck on the cheek left and right.

My father came from Spain, and that's how they always greet each other and say goodbye. Since then, I've actually done this with every person.

"Hey," he says back to me. I can feel all the looks that are being thrown at us at this moment. "Why are you here? How did you even know I was going to this school?" He leans against his big black car and watches me. "I'm here to pick you up. And ever since you came to our house, my mother won't stop talking about you. She's mentioned about 30 times that you go to the same school as I did back then," he finally answers me. "Ah I see." "Come on get in.", he says as he opens the driver's door and gets in. I open the passenger door and get in too.

As we drive out of the school car park, everyone looks at us as if we are somehow Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber back together. It is a bit uncomfortable.

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