25: Trouble on Tiger Ear Mountain

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Snow, Erden, and everyone else in the house stared at the commanding officer in disbelief. "We have the cottage surrounded, there's no escape," he boomed.

"This is absurd!" Third Brother cried.

"Murder? What murder?" Eldest Brother demanded.

"You have been harboring a murderer. This girl here killed a man in cold blood." The commanding officer pointed at Snow.

"I've done no such a thing!" Snow said with all the strength she had, though her voice was weak.

"Do you deny killing the huntsman you were last seen with? Come with us now to face justice for your crime!"

"She said she didn't do it!" Erden said.

"Commander Tai–" Weilong started to say.

"The huntsman tried to kill me! He said the Emp–"

"Save it for your trial, Princess. The Empress will be the judge," Commander Tai said with a sneer.

"B-but the Empress tried to k-kill her!" Seventh Brother piped up.

"That's not my problem."

"Where's the fairness in that?" Third Brother retorted, struggling to stand up at the table.

"I won't go!"

"Seize her!" the commander barked.

"No!" Erden shouted. With one swift movement, he released himself from Snow's grasp, whirled to his feet and drew his sword, the blade singing as it exited the scabbard.

At the sight of his drawn sword, the soldiers at the door drew their sabers, and archers took aim at him through the windows.

"You'll have to get past me first!" Erden snarled, pointing his sword at the soldiers and Commander Tai.

"Ah! Don't, please don't!" The dwarves ran and dove behind what Snow discovered was her own coffin. Third Brother, who was rendered immobile by his splint, hid under the table.

"Drop your weapon or my men will shoot!" Commander Tai growled.

"You dare to threaten a prince?" Erden said, his voice rising with barely contained fury.

"Erden! Don't do anything rash!" Weilong rushed to stand between Erden and the soldiers. "Commander, there must be a way to resolve this."

The commanding officer snorted in derision. "I only take orders from whomever is sitting on the throne. You low ranking princes don't have any authority over us!"

"It's one thing to arrest a princess, but if you kill or injure two princes, you'll have a lot to answer for, especially before General Liang and the military officials," Weilong said, his voice even-keeled.

The commanding officer's face twitched at the mention of General Liang's name. He looked from Weilong, whose face was serene like still water, to Erden spoiling for a fight with his sword raised in the air, before his gaze rested on Snow. A long moment passed before he replied.

"Your Highness, I do not have any issue with you, but my head will be on the chopping block if I don't take her in. The law is the law. I am only following orders. Don't make it difficult for yourself and for us."

"Tell your men to lower their weapons, and we will go with you. But she rides with one of us. She's in no condition to ride on her own."

"No! She rides with one of my men, don't think I'm so stupid!"

For the first time in her life, Snow heard a flash of anger in Weilong's tone. His voice rang out like a steel broadsword cutting through the air. "Until she is tried, Commander Tai, she is innocent, and still a princess! No soldier should lay a hand on her or touch a hair on her head!"

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