chapter four | grayson

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I check my phone and see it's 12:00 I have a hockey meeting at 12:30 and I have to take Ria over to her friends house for a sleepover on a trampoline or something like that.

For us having a Mexican dad and an Italian mom they really don't care about what we just do, only rules they have is to not do drugs, that's literally it. I mean all they care about is money and making sure they can brag about us when we go to galas and stuff.

I grab my phone and keys and head towards the door. I look at myself in the hallway mirror, I mean not to be cocky but I think I'm a good looking guy.

I start walking over to Everest's house and shit I'm nervous, why? Well I would like to know too.

I take a deep breath in and knock on the door. I knock again and no one answers. Then I remember my mom saying they would be out for brunch so Ria is just probably watching tv in there or something.

Before you say that's weird, no it's not, i mean we've known the Valentino's our whole life and they gave us a spare key to use whenever we needed something and I guess Ria forgot she has a fucking home ten steps to her right.

I open the door and close it lightly hearing noise from their kitchen.

I walk into something that I didn't expect. Ria and Everest were hugging each other and I could only see Everest's back I mean I think that's Everest, and damn she is very different, a good different indeed.

Wait no, it's a bad different.

"Gosh I'm so sorry Ria, I promise I'm here and will always be her my luv." Everest says to Ria. I raise my eyebrow in confusion what were they talking about. And that's a lie, she won't be here forever she said the same thing to me and left.

Ria let out a sniffle, "Even though Gray may act like he hates you, just know he could never hate you, he loves you greatly and-"

Wait what! No no no, this is not happening I should probably talk I've been standing here for a while.

" Loved, Ria, past tense!" I say making them step away from there hug.

Everest turns around and wow. She's fucking beautiful, those hazel eyes that I remember are still the same, her face and her body is different but she's still perfect.

No she isn't no she isn't, yeah let's see how long you say that.

I met her eyes those bright eyes that I used to never get tired off.

She gave me a smile and I didn't return it, not today Everest not today, from behind I can see Ria making signals for me to talk to her.

"Hey Grayson" she says "Eve" I nod at her "Oh and it's Gray" I said. There goes my fucking ego taking over me. She just rolled her eyes.

"Cmon Ria, I have practice and I'll drop you off at your friends house." I said still maintaining eye contact with Everest.

Ria let out a groan and turns to Everest and says something to her "yeah I can see that." Everest says checking me out.

I give them a confusing look and walk out of the kitchen, Ria following behind me. "BYE LUVV!" Everest yells " BYE BUBBLE GUPPY" Ria yelled back I let out a chuckle, Ria and her nicknames.

Once we get in the car Ria hits me on the arm "ouch" I say rubbing it, this girl hits like a guy. "Stupido" "uh why?" She gives me a deadpan look

"You don't see the love of your life in years and the only thing you can come up with is that." She says pointing at the house. I just shrug "it's not a big deal tonta (dummy)" I say starting my car, she just rolled her eyes at me "whatever, also Im putting some Bad Bunny."

Once I dropped Ria off I headed towards my high school since we had a little hockey meeting for our next match.

As soon as I opened the rink doors Carter came up to me and says "When the hell were you going to tell me your soulmate was here." I roll my eyes at him "I don't know, maybe because I don't care that she's back." I say taking a seat on one of the bleachers.

"OMG I JUST SAW RIA'S INSTA POST WHEN WERE  YOU GOING TO TELL US EVE IS BACK!" Marcus yelled at us well more like me. Of course Ria would already post something.

Carter's lifts his arms in the air and says "don't worry Marc I didn't know either, probably the dipshit didn't tell anyone!"  "Wait how do you know then?" I question Carter he gives me the 'are you serious look' "you're acting like my girlfriend isn't best friends with Eve." I put my mouth In an 'O' shape.

"HEY LOSERS!" My other best friend Christopher yells "hey sexy!" We yell back. He comes up to us and crosses his arms "so why do y'all all look like you want to kill someone."

"Because remember Eve that pretty girl we told you about when you got here." Marcus says. Christopher just nods his head. "Well she's back" Carter says making Chris' jaw drop open. 

I swear they are all so dramatic

"Omg omg I finally get to meet the love of your life." He says shaking me

You see Christopher doesn't know Everest like us, because he moved here when he was 14 so he's only seen pictures of her or when the girls talk about her, which is a lot.

"I swear I will kill you all, first off remember I don't like Eve anymore like in any way, and I didn't tell y'all because I don't give a fuck that's shes back!" I say standing up getting annoyed.

"My bad, we just wanted to know, don't get mad Gray, but just remember you have to forgive her, it wasn't her fault plus you're 17 act mature." Chris says, for him being the craziest one he did have a point. The rest just nod "Plus she's our best friend too. No matter how much you try to avoid her you won't be able to because she'll be with us all the time." Carter says back.

I let out a sigh "I know, I know I'll talk to her sooner or later." They we're about to say something else but our coach arrived, THANK GOD. "Alright boys let's start this thing!"


ok ok I know the chapters have been boring, but guess what!

Next chapter will be one of my favs so far ;)

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