epilogue - eve

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Epilogue | eve

Years later

"Oh" "my" "god" my two best friends and I say at the same time.

We were silent for the longest time as Makensie and me saw the two pink lines on both white sticks.


We all started screaming in excitement "I'm pregnant omg no we're pregnant!" Makensie exclaimed in excitement!

"Finally! We can all be baby momas together!" Diana said rubbing her baby belly already.

I just stood their in shock.

Happy shock of course.

The thing is all this past month I have been feeling different and now I know why. 

"Guess our children are going to be besties too!" I squeal in excitement.

♡ ♡ ♡

"Sooo where are we going?" I ask Grayson as we rock our hands back and forth.

He just gives me a lopsided grin and shrugs "you'll find out." He says opening the truck's door so I can get in.

As we hit the road I know exactly where we are going.

Our place.

Butterflies start to fill my stomach as something exciting is going to happen.

We only come to the tree for things that are special for us.

And I'm glad we're here, because this is exactly the right place to let Grayson know he is going to be a dad.

"I'm gonna put this blindfold on you okay." Grayson whispers near my ear.

I just nod as he puts it on.

"You better not be playing a trick on me Grayson Kai Romano." I say as he grabs my hand moving me forward.

"No promises love." He says chuckling.

I let out a groan "I hate surprises." I say back "and I love them so now shush."

I do as he says and we walk for like one minute until we stop.

He takes the blindfold off and I let a gasp as I put my hands to my mouth in surprise.

In beautiful white rose pedals beside our tree is written "will you marry me?"

I look back at Grayson before I can say something he grabs both of my hands.

"Now you know why I have been acting all weird this week, keeping a secret this big from you was killing me, and I knew if I told Diana and Makensie they wouldn't be able to hold it in so my big helpers were the three big losers." He says chuckling. "Everest Luna, since the day we became friends all I could think of was you. Everyday, and when you left there was never a day I wouldn't think of you. You made me so happy and I know you know that but in reality you don't. Because you make me even happier than I can describe." He says as his eyes start to tear up.

He starts getting down on one knee and I start having happy tears fill my eyes.

Thank god for waterproof mascara.

"And here I am, the only women I will ever be down on my knees for. Will you marry me ms. Everest Luna Valentino?"

Im left speechless. This guy has no idea how much I love him.

I start nodding my head "yes of course I'll marry you." I say as he lets out a happy yell.

"Hell yeah!" He says putting the ring on my finger then picking me up.

As he settles me down his arms go down to my waist and mine up to his neck and I kiss him.

I kiss him like never before.

I break our kiss away and say "I have a surprise for you."  as I go over to my bag and grab a small box.

"In this exact place we started everything over; from being friends, to lovers, to getting engaged, and now-" I stop talking as I give him the small box.

He looks at me confused but with a huge smile on his face, as he takes off the white ribbon.

As he opens it he picks up the positive pregnancy test and looks at me and back down at it for like one hundred times

"You better not be lying." He says to me as he walks over to me.

I shake my head and he lights up and starts yelling "I'm a mother, wait you're a mother, I'm a father we're parents!"

I start laughing at him as I wipe the tears that have slipped out. He looks at me and gives me a kiss.

He hugs me and picks me up as we spun around, I felt so happy and at peace with him.

In the beginning when we were still in high school I would have never thought it would end like this, us being finally happy, getting married, and becoming parents!

I remember the book Grayson was reading to me, the one were they didn't have a happy ending. 'Not everyone gets there happy ending Everest' I remember Grayson telling me.

That's one of the most realistic things someone could ever say, so many books, movies, shows were people don't get their happy ending.

We might not even get our happy ending, but as for now I'll live in the moment with my Grayson because right now I am living my happy ending with him, the memories we'll make will last us forever, he makes me happy and I truly love him because after all I am His Everest.

When I was making this I was so happy like ahhhh!!

Well this is going to lead on into the second story of the Romano series!! It has to do something with their baby coming soon or should I say babies;)

What can I say? In a very specific chapter in this book Diana spilled the beans😬

Then is not the end to this book! I will upload their lives here soon when I have time, but for now we just have to wait:))

his everest | completedWhere stories live. Discover now