two -edited-

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The next morning Leah stares out the window at Rosalie and Nessie in the yard as she eats. Bella and Edward come in hand in hand. Emmett looks up from the paper he's reading, a smirk on his face. "Wow. Done already?" "Where's Renesmee?" Bella asks, ignoring Emmett altogether. "Blondie stole her," Leah states, continuing to stare out the window at the two. "Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett questions, continuing to smirk. I giggle, pressing my hand over my mouth. "Emmett. No." We all chuckle, until the phone rings. It immediately curbs everyone's good mood.

We know exactly who it is and why they're calling. Bella steps away from Edward as Jacob holds me closer. "Is that Charlie?" "He's been calling twice a day. He's in pretty rough shape." Jacob answers as the phone rings again. "Eventually we'll have to tell him you didn't make it," Carlisle says. It breaks my heart knowing dad's gonna lose Bella. His clearly favorite daughter. I block out the rest of the conversation, watching Rosalie and Ness happy as can be in the yard until Emmett catches my attention. "I'm gonna miss this place."

"We'll come back. We always do." Carlisle reassures. "Woah, hold on, nobody said anything about leaving." I snap, knowing they're gonna try to up and leave, taking Renesmee away from Leah. "Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her," Carlisle says like it's obvious. "Screw that, just don't tell people she's dead." I snarl, stepping forward. "Liz-" "Don't 'Liz' me right now, Isabella. You know that this is gonna kill dad and pulling Nessie away from Leah is gonna kill her too." I bark my words at my sister, ignoring Jacob's hands pulling me back.

Soon enough, Jacob tells me to stay with the Cullens as he has something to take care of. I glare at my sister every time she opens her mouth, when I had attempted to storm off, Emmett caught me, throwing me over his broad shoulder. I thrash, wanting out of his grip but he tightens. Soon enough Jacob comes back, snarling at the vampire holding me until he puts me down. My phone rings and Embry flashes across the screen, I haven't talked to him since the night of the fight with the Cullens. I run outside, phone in hand. "Embry." I breathe his name with a smile.

"Elizabeth, oh my, God." I can practically hear his smile from the other side of the phone. "I miss you. I miss you so much. I'm so sorry I haven't spoken to you." "Liz, Lizabeth, it's okay. I get it. Just, can you come over? I miss you." He slowly gets quieter as he speaks. "Oh, God, of course. Of course, I can." My smile widens as Jacob walks out, a questioning look on his face. "It's Embry." I point to the phone and Jacob's expression hardens. "I'll see you later, I love you Em." "I love you, E." The phone beeps and I do a little happy dance, running to Jacob. "Oh my, God."

"I love seeing you happy, but you can't go over there." He says. My face drops as I look up at him. "Why not?" I whine, wanting to see Embry. "Cause I said no, Elizabeth." "Well fuck that." His eyes narrow into a glare. "Watch your mouth." "Fuck." I challenge him with my tone as I storm off toward my car, knowing I'm going to Embry's no matter what he says. "Elizabeth!" He grabs my shoulder, forcing me to face him. "What?" "I don't want him hitting on you again." I sigh, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up at him. "Jacob, you know I love you, come on."

"I know, Liz, but-" "No buts. I only love you, Jacob." I grab his face, pulling him down to my level. "You know you're my one and only, Jake." He huffs, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. "I'll have Emmett put the battery back in your car." I step back, smacking his shoulder. "You're a jackass." He laughs, holding me tighter. "I know." I huff, walking to my car to find Emmett placing the battery back in its spot. "Sorry, little Swan." He ruffles my hair causing me to smack his hand away, growling. "I'm going to Embry's and that's final. Got it?" I ask despite it being rhetorical.

Jacob nods, scowling. "Fine." Just as I'm about to pull out, Jacob leans down, grabbing my face. "Just remember, you're mine, Elizabeth. I won't hesitate to kick his ass again." I nod, smiling at him. "I love you, Jake." "Go, before I change my mind." I quickly pull out and drive off the Sam's, knowing that's where Embry and the boys would be. I walk in to be scowled at by Paul. "Oh look, the leech lover's here." "Shove it, Lahote. You used to love me." I tease, ruffling his hair. "You know I can't stay mad at you when you're all dorky and shit." He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as Embry runs over.

He practically tackles me in a hug, holding me tightly to his chest, and taking a deep breath. "God, I've missed you, E." "I've missed you." I wrap my arms around him just as tight, keeping him to me for a long moment. We eventually pull away but he keeps his arm around me, pulling me into his lap at the table. "Okay, so, Leah," I start, causing Emily to quickly perk up. "What about Leah?" "Did you hear she imprinted on Renesmee?" I ask. Emily's face brightens. "How cute." "She wasn't happy at first but you should see her with the kid." I laugh, remembering the two together.

Embry drops his head to the crook of my neck, sighing. "Wanna go for a walk?" I ask as if he's a dog, fake excitement in my voice as his head snaps up and he nods. "You're dumb, let's go." I laugh, standing and pulling him with me.

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