Chapter Twenty Five

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Las Vegas was everything I thought it would be and more. As we drove through the city heading for the Hotel my face was glued to the window. I rarely traveled. Okay correction. I never traveled. Alexandria and Greece don't count because I never went sight seeing. Except that one day I went but that doesn't count. Everywhere I've gone outside New York since I found out what I was has been for work or my protection. Never just for me. Titus' chuckle has me turning to glare at him.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. You're bouncing in your seat and your eyes are lit up like a kid in a candy store." He says smiling at me before looking back at the road.

"Well not all of us have had the freedom to go wherever we want." I huff going back to trying to take everything and everyone in.

"I didn't say there was anything wrong with your excitement. I've just never seen you look so happy. It's adorable." he whispers the last part. Like he doesn't mean to let it slip.

I don't turn to face him. I don't want to face him. I'm scared of what I'll see if I do. The silence that follows is surprisingly not awkward. When we stop in front of Dante's Inferno my mind is blown some more. The valet takes the keys from Titus and he carries our bags inside.

"Let me go check in. Kenji said he booked us a rooms next to each other. I'll grab the keys while you look around." He says snapping out of the daze the chandelier above us put me in.

"You're leaving me alone?" I ask in shock. Titus blinks frowning slightly.

"I mean if you want to come with me you can." He says slowly. "I just figured you'd want to explore for a bit and didn't want to have you glued to my side. Not that I would mind if you wanted to be glued to my side. I mean I doubt you'd want to be..."

"It's okay Titus." I chuckle finding his rumbling cute. He scratches the back of his neck and looks anywhere but at me.

"I'm gonna go get the keys. You can come I guess or not." He says turning quickly to the reception desk.

I smile at his retreating back and shake my head. Something squeezes in my chest but I push it away. I decide to walk towards where he seems to be arguing with the receptionist. Irritation hits me square in the chest and I frown. Why am I feeling irritated?

"I think you should check again." He says calmly though it looks like he's about to reach across the desk and smack across the check. I reach them and put a hand on is shoulder causing him to visibly deflate.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I was just informing Mr Smith here that the reservation made was for a suite and not two separate rooms." She tells me smoothly. "The only reservation under the name Smith is for a Mr and Mrs Smith."

I was going to skin Kenji when we got back.

"Thanks uhm...."

"Rachael." She fills in for me.

"Right Rachael. Is there a way we can downgrade to two rooms?" I ask calmly.

"I'm afraid not. We're completely booked."

"Of course you are." Titus sighs.

"Thank you. You can go right ahead and check us in." I say smiling at her.

With a few clicks of her button Rachael checks us in and hands us two key cards. A bellboy walks towards us and leads us to the elevator. We go up in silence until we arrive at our door. Titus tips the boy and scans us in, dumping our bags in the corner near the door.

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