Chapter Twenty Eight

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I know I said Tuesday but this was just sitting in my drafts so here you go😁.

Titus' POV

We stare at each other from across the room. Nothing but a thick glass wall between us. Or at least it felt like glass. In the hours I've been sitting here watching him I've realized that Kenji is crazy. I'm still failing to understand how that stupid dragon thought it was a good idea to bring the psycho here. Is he actually a psychopath? Probably not. Do I want him to be so that I have an excuse to keep him away from Mel? Definitely.

In the hours I've been here neither one of us has said a word. I can tell we're both on edge. But we're too prideful to be the first one to speak. Just before I can say anything the door opens and Kenji walks in sighing.

"Are you guys gonna kiss or are you gonna keep gazing into each other's eyes?" He asks plopping down across me his back against the glass wall.

"How is she?" I ask him finally looking away from Xander.

"She's confused."

"Everyone's confused Kenji. You complicated the whole Phoenix thing. I just found out about this stuff and your brother brought in another type of mythology." I smile shaking my head.

"And I think I just made it more complicated by keeping my dear old besty here." He says glancing behind him. Xander tilts his head not looking away from him a frown on his face.

"You could always let me go." He suggests finally speaking.

"Sorry buddy. I still don't completely trust you." Kenji sighs.

"Why is he here Kenji? Mel's in enough pain already after finding out they aren't true mates." I watch him for a reaction as I say this but he gives no reaction.

My words bounce off him. He doesn't flinch or wince. He doesn't crumble at hearing me say this the way Mel did when she found out the truth. He stays stone still watching us with a quiet calm. I don't like it. 

"Yeah well so am I," He mumbles before standing, "he's here because he's going to tell us everything we need to know about Alistair and his plan."

"Over my dead body." Xander says.

"Don't tempt me." I glare. Kenji glares at me but shakes his head wiping the expression off his face.

"I don't need you two fighting. I'm at war with myself as it is don't force me to pick a side. Because I will pick Mel and put the both of you in the ground without her knowing. She already thinks one of you is dead." He says getting off the floor.

I watch as he mumbles something and then walks right through the glass wall. I get up and rush towards it but it's solid all over again. Xander doesn't move from his position but I can tell he feels trapped by the way his eyes track Kenji.

"Kenji?" I question tapping the glass.

"Don't worry he can't hurt me." He says stopping right in front of the grouch and squatting so that they're eye level with each other.

"Doesn't mean he won't try."

"I'm a centuries old Titus. If I wanted to I could burn crush his scale with one hand. He knows that don't you Xander?" He  asks tilting his head.

"What do you want dragon?"

"I want Xerxes back in control. Out of the love I still have for you I'm asking that you don't let me torture it out of you." He speaks quietly.

"Xerxes went into hiding when you told him his mate bond was fabricated. Even if I wanted to, I can't reach him. And I don't want to reach him." He says leaning back.

I watch Kenji and shake my head. If he has no choice but to torture information out of Xander he'll do it. Mel means more to him than anything else. She means more to him than himself. And torturing Xander, someone who was his best friend, will destroy him inside.

'Don't.' I whisper through our mind link watching him flinch at the sudden sound of my voice.

He turns and walks out of the barrier again like it's nothing, marching out of the room like a man on a mission. I look at Xander one last time before rushing after him.


"Turn around Titus I'm not in the mood." He groans walking towards the exit.

I say nothing as I follow him all the way up and out of the bunker. He heads straight for the forest edge his body trembling with energy. Just as I open my mouth to speak he lets out an animalistic roar and punches right through the first tree in this path.

I freeze in my tracks eyes going wide. That single punch not only tears the tree down but the walls he had holding him together. And in absolute wonder I watch for the first time, Kenji out of control consumed by rage and pain.

This man that I've known to always be calm, funny, the very glue holding Mel together. For 10 long minutes, I watch him level a parch of land the size of three football fields. Where once tall, thick, trees that probably took years to grow and reach that height stood, now are stumps and fallen logs like an army of lumberjacks with heavy duty machines decided to clear this plot.

I walk towards him at the end of his path of distraction and watch all the strength leave his body with a final cry before he falls to his knees. I  sit beside him in silence not knowing what to do or say.

"I'm tired." He whispers.

"I know."

As soon as the words leave my mouth he slumps down in defeat and grief takes it's hold on him. All I can do is sit there. In case he needs me. All I can do is watch, as the strongest person I've come to know, weeps for what looks like the first time in ages. All I can do is silently stand as support as Kenji Tanaka finally lets go.

Guys my Kenji is hurting 🥺. Anyway I think it's about time these people start healing you know. Also, Xander and Mel are in the same building. Will they meet in the next chapter? Probably not.

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