Chapter 10: The Angel's Secret

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A little note from your dear author before we start, there is going to be a hell lotta emotion in this scene (hopefully u feel it I mean my writing is not fantastic), so grab your popcorn, a box of tissues and your favourite teddy bear, get comfortable and here we go!


"DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD LOOK AT THIS!" Jason barged into his office at around 1 in the morning, to show him the video of the fight. Bruce looked shocked, 

"She is a special girl, I suppose we can only wait and see just who she really is." he said with a smile on his face.


The akuma class had just gotten out of the plane, and they were picking up their baggage. Lila was chatting with Alya about the fun times she had with her Damiboo, running around the Wayne Manor when they were little. and the on and off relationship they had. Although he had to pretend to not know her for her own safety, she couldn't be brought up in front of him because he would get sad. Of course none of it was true, but she soaked it up like a sponge. All she could think was, 

'watch out Gotham, Lila Rossi has arrived.'


Nowadays, school kept Marinette occupied, and with cooking with Alfred and homework and commissions, Marinette found herself quite busy, and before she knew it it was already Friday. Although, unlike in Paris, she was wholly happy, she enjoyed spending time with the Waynes who considered her family, and she them. School was great, too. She had great friends at school, with braincells and knew how to use them too.

She had just begun to eat breakfast when her phone rang. She picked it up and said,

"Hey Uncle J," up until this point nobody found anything strange but when-

"MARINETTE, HOW'S MY FAVOURITE ROCKSTAR NIECE!!" a voice shouted out of the phone, they all stared at her in shock, they could recognise that voice anywhere.

Marinette yelped and threw the phone up in surprise. After a few clumsy catches she caught the phone, sheepishly said excuse me and ran into the hallway. She came back  5 minutes later, only to be bombarded by question, all variations of 'how do you know Jagged Stone and why did he call you his niece???'

Luckily Alfred saved him by saying, "time for school Marinette."

She practically ran to the limo saying a quick, "well time for school, bye!"

"Thanks Alfred," she said in relief.

"No problem, Marinette, although, the is a class coming to the Manor for a house tour today and I'll be busy getting things ready. Damien isn't coming to school for that reason. I hope it's ok if you drive yourself home from school today?"

"No problem Alfred"

"Thank you, I will drop the car in the school parking lot. Do you have spare keys?"

"Yes, here." she said handing them to him. 

They had reached school by now and Marinette was getting out of the car.

"The class will have most likely left by the time you get home, are you comfortable driving home?"

"Don't worry Alfred, I know the route, and I'm perfectly comfortable driving." she said as he waved him goodbye.

School was as normal as everyday, with a little more whispering because Damien wasn't in, but she has grown accustomed to it. At the end of the day, just like Alfred said her car was in the student parking lot. It had already attracted a crowd. She pushed through the crowd and got inside, trying not to mind the people staring and loudly whispering. She managed to make her way out of the school and begun the journey home.

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