Chapter 15: Wayne Gala-Part 1!

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Helloooo! Yes it's me I'm alive and back with another chapter, I'm kind of writing 2 chapters at once so hopefully the next one will be out soon!  


Lie-la pov

Today's the day. Today's the day where I will wrap little Damien Wayne around my finger. Today's the day my plan would start falling into place. Today's the day were I put Marinette Dupain-Cheng in her place. Today's the day, where they will find out just what I am capable of.

Watch out Marinette, I'm coming for you.


It was the day of the Wayne Gala, and things were getting hectic in the manor. People running around helplessly searching for missing pieces of clothing and and tripping over table legs. Alfred had gotten the Manor looking absolutely beautiful, with high shimmering chandeliers and elegant tables piled up with food, that Marinette insisted on helping with. She was really the most nervous of them there, but she covered it well. She kept herself busy all day to take her mind of things. Damien was extra grumpy, if that was possible, because the mere thought of having to socialise with other people aggravated him. Bruce definitely went all out when it came to his parties. Wealthy and famous people from all over were flying to Gotham for this, so security around here had to be drastically tightened. Some of these people were MDC clients, so Marinette had designed their gala dresses, so seeing people actually wearing them was nerve-wracking

"Miss Marinette I can take it from here, you ought to be getting ready" Alfred said, appearing out of thin air like he always does. 

"Are you sure Alfred?" she said nervously.

"Of course," he insisted and pushed her towards her room.

"Right" she said and walked of, alright then, here we go she thought.


The Waynes were yet to come down and make their entrance, to come out to the front door, (where the media and the news reporters would try and crowd around to get a glimpse) and meet the guests as they entered the mansion. The family were almost ready, the odd few coming out in suits. Damien was dressed in a dark red suit, which was so dark it really was a black. A soft tapping was heard as Marinette came out of the hallway, holding Alfred the cat in her arms. She bent down and gently put Alfred down. She was looking radiant in a off shoulder red dress, and  her dark hair accentuated her pale skin and icy blue eyes and a soft smile on her soft lips. It was taking ever fibre of Damien's being not to blush and remain stoic, he realised this was the first time he had seen her with her hair out. Jason softly nudged Damien with a smirk and whispered,

"Good catch lil' D, who would have thought you would be the first one to get a girlfriend?" but then he turned serious, "if you let her slide swear I will murder you." and then swiftly jumped back into his usual self. 

Damien instinctively opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Thank god father came to lead them to the front door.

"Alright boys, behave yourself this time, we do not need a repeat of last time" he said as Jason and Tim flushed red of embarrassment.

"What happened last time?" Marinette whispered to Damien,

"In all honesty I really think it's better you don't know" he whispered back, as she chuckled.

"You look nice" he whispered unexpectedly, even he surprised himself. Marinette flushed as red as her dress, 

"T-thank you" she managed so say.

They all stood outside the door as Bruce gave his welcoming speech. Although, most of the time silent whispers and camera clicks could be heard, undoubtedly about the pretty new girl standing next to the one and only 'Ice Prince of Gotham', and he didn't even look frustrated.

The gala had now started and the guests were entering the mansion, looking important, Their dresses were ravishing and there were few MDC originals there as well.  From behind the more important looking guests came a group of teenagers, they were wearing mediocre clothes, though some of them looked more expensive than others, and they walked into the manor. They were all huddled around an Italian girl with dull brown hair and an orange dress with cheap-looking stones on the waist and hem and a visibly fake MDC sewn in yellow instead of its usual gold on the sleeve. (oh this? This was a dress that my close friend MDC gifted me, these are actually real diamonds you know!). Behind them a certain handsome-looking blonde teenager walked in unnoticed behind them, a small frown on his face, but he looked nice none the less with his expensive and very nice looking suit, fitting him perfectly. There was a very tall man, most likely his father behind him, with a blue haired woman with a red streak next to him. 


846 words

Hello my dear readers! I'm back! Hope you liked this chapter and the events of the gala will soon unfold! I can't believe over 8k reads! Thank you all sooooo much. I love you all!

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