⠀⠀11. the 'disease' called love⠀⠀

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THERE WEREN'T MANY things Ranpo loved

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THERE WEREN'T MANY things Ranpo loved. Snacks, sugar, and himself—that just about summed the list.

So then why had he begun to prioritise Y/N above all three of those things? It was quite possibly the only question even he, the greatest detective in the world, could not answer.

His serious side was one not many people had witnessed, save for perhaps his coworkers at the Agency. It wasn't like he was heartless, but it was easier to act childish because it got him whatever he wanted. Yet... he'd set that part of him aside today. All for Y/N.

And on top of all that, what in the world had possessed him to kiss her hand?

Ranpo didn't know.

Perhaps he was sick with a disease that made him do all the things he would have previously never considered. The world was filled with all sorts of wild illnesses and disorders that sprouted from nowhere with unheard-of symptoms. It was the only plausible reasoning Ranpo could come up with.

The dark-haired detective walked down the corridor, back to the main office of the Agency. Only Yosano and the Tanizaki siblings were inside, while the rest were out solving their respective cases that they were assigned to for the day. He made his way towards the former of the three, who was working away on the computer in front of her.

"Yosano!" Ranpo called out.

Turning away from the computer, the doctor and faced him and raised her brow in question. "Yes?"

With a straight face containing not even the slightest hint of humour, the detective said, "I think I'm sick."

Yosano's other brow went up too. She was surprised he'd said that because, despite the masses of junk food he consumed, Ranpo rarely ever actually fell sick—even when he did, it was never so bad that he would resorted to coming to her.

She stood up from her seat, heading towards the door while Ranpo followed her, grabbing the bag of chips from his desk as he passed it. He ripped it open and followed silently as she led him down the corridor, but just as she stopped outside the infirmary, he shook his head.

"Y/N is resting," he spoke through a mouthful of chips. Collecting another handful of the potato snacks, he stuffed them into his mouth, chewing for a moment before suggesting that the doctor collect her supplies from inside and they head to the kitchen instead.

Yosano wondered when he'd become so selfless, but she shrugged and agreed nonetheless.

Ranpo waited outside while she quietly opened the door and walked inside, footsteps barely audible even though she was wearing her maroon heels. She came back out a minute later with her stethoscope around her neck, and the pockets of her lab coat filled with medical instruments.

Turning to Ranpo, Yosano dipped her chin down, giving him a single nod. "Let's go."

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