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"Remember when... no, you wouldn't. It's sort of impossible at this point. But that's okay, I have a lot I need to tell you. Because I remember."

I lean back, placing my hands behind my head. Emery is in the kitchen, laughing and cooking with Joe. He splashes water at her from his fingertips, and I laugh, too.

"I'm not sure how to say this. It's one of those things. Like, if I knew then what I know now, would I have still met you? Would I still have the chance to buy you that popsicle?"

Emery picks up a spoon, playfully shaking it in Joe's direction. When he pretends to scream, she finally looks at me. The look in her eyes is filled with so much care, so much love.

From the couches, I wave. "I want to say I would've had that chance. I still want that chance. So, would I change everything? Maybe. Would I make the same mistakes?" I cover my face and sigh into my palm. "Absolutely... I'm not perfect, Em."

Joe taps his watch, showing me the time. There are only fifteen minutes left.

I close my eyes for a moment, but then remember I can't lose any of this. I want to see everything second, every minute. I want to record each movement she makes.


"I can try to take it back, but would that make a difference? My problems stem from years ago and I'll spend years trying to fix it. Believe me, I want to make it right."

"Ray!" Emery waves her hand over her head as she calls to me. I lift my brows as I look at her. "Do you want one plate or two?"

I chuckle, shake my head, but hold up two fingers. How long has it been since I had her meals?

She blushes and giggles. She turns to grab bowls. Next to her, Joe shrugs, a grin on his face.

"Em, I know I only need to pick up the pieces to make this right. And now that I'm out, I can. I want to fill your mind with the good, not the bad. I want to erase what happened."

Joe mutters something in Emery's ear, words I can't hear. But the smirk on his face means a playful joke is coming my way.

"This is probably going to be the hardest step because some of them might not fit. The data can be weird, unclear. Hell, I know after a few uploads, they'll break apart. But if there are any promises I can make, there's one. I swear to you I'll do this right this time, nothing illegal, nothing dangerous. Just my mind with yours."

Emery turns with the bowls in hand. Joe has two of his own. I see him widen his eyes and mouth to me, yo, one is spicy as hell.

I can't help my shocked, playful expression.

I love spicy food.

"I've paid for my crimes, both with you and her, Em. And I swear to you, if I had known loving you would have put you in danger, I would've kept my distance. Because my heart is yours and has been since the first time I saw you."

Emery stops and quietly curses under her breath. She turns back into the kitchen, leaving Joe standing still, confused.

"Now that I'm back, Em, I want you to love me for who I am. For who I will be. I don't want to think of my broken past. There are too many questions left unanswered."

Emery turns back, the bowls heavily decorated with cheese. I love cheese.

"But.... in the end, Em... I only have one goal and that's you. You, me, our marriage, and the life we had. I know there are some marks on my file now, but I won't let that stop me from keeping you. I just... I need to know if I do all of this...."

Emery has the biggest smile on her face when she stands in front of me. She places one of the bowls filled with stew on the end table beside the couch. The other, she hands to me. I can smell how wonderful it will taste.

"Will you remember me?"

As I take the bowl, she frowns. "Will I what?" she asks.

"I mean, thank you," I say to her. And as she turns back to Joe to grab her bowl, I tap the Alt-sphere on my temple, powering it down. "End mem-block recording."


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