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"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in." - Emest Hemingway

Stepping into the sand. It was powdery and silky, soft yet firm, falling over my feet each time I took a step. Sending waves through my body causing me to smile. The cool water laps at my feet, fizzing like the bubbles in soda. Waves crash into rocks, falling onto the shore with a soft hiss; taking away the white sand beneath my feet. Before I dive into the water.

Everything about the beach is my favorite, the sunsets, sand, the view.

It's a place where your worries go away, just for a few seconds of silence. I'd do anything to forget the memories that haunt and hurt me.

I like to pretend that I'm still Katalina life of the party, the girl who has all the confidence in the world, and doesn't give a single fuck.

But in reality, I'm alone. I compare myself to any girl who walks through the school doors. And you're probably thinking— why the fuck would you do that?

I don't know.

They're beautiful. And me? I've been told— i'm a bitch who's ugly and just a pity fuck.

My last boyfriend was the one who told me, 'You were just a pity fuck, I felt bad. I never cared for you anyways, I hope I never see you again.' I thought it was love, or at least something. Every single thing he told me. I thought it was true, I did.

But I guess it was all just an act.

Am I not good enough? Do people really look at me that way?

I'll never know.

I'm just a little bit broken, right?

I never let anyone in, besides Athena. She's the one who's been there for me, and has never left my side.

Everyone else? They just come and go.

My parents? I love them at heart, I do. But they thought I was crazy when I told them what happened between me and Erik. Telling me, "He'd never do that, Lina. He's a sweet boy."

But he did. And they didn't believe me.

I'm afraid to fall in love, and to open my heart to someone again.

- Flashback -

The guy who's supposed to be my boyfriend sits across from me, elbows sit on the table, while a phone rest in his hands. The blue light, lighting his face.

"Erik? What do you want to eat?" I hum, flipping the pages of the menu.

No answer.


No answer.

"Sorry, what did you say?"


Placing the menu down, I grab my keys and push off the table. Allowing myself to stand. I slide out of the booth.

"Kat, where are you going, hm?"

Oh, now you want to talk?

"Oh I was gonna head out, seems like someone else is entertaining you more than me." I say nonchalantly, pulling out a twenty dollar bill, placing it on the table. "Buy your self something to eat, call me when you wanna talk."

To be fair, you might think. 'Wow why is she acting up, he's just on his phone.' Sure, but it was our one year anniversary. I wanted his undivided attention.

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