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---- Who were you

Before they broke your heart?


"Hey so I'm staying with my brother tonight. And I just wanted to let you know."

Kylo stays quiet for about a minute until he clears his throat.

"Oh." He replies. "Alright uh, I'll see you tomorrow then?" Kylo doesn't say anything else, shuffles can be heard but I don't mention anything about it.


The line goes silent...

Eli chases Luca like a maniac, Luca barks. But Eli doesn't back down as he cages him in a hug. I put my phone down and watch as the scene unfolds. Luca circles around underneath Elijah's arm.

"Peak-a-boo!" Lifting his arms up and covering Luca again, Eli repeats the action. Until Luca bites his shirt, tugging it. "No! Lucaaaa." He whines.

I space out eventually thinking about when summer ends and what I'll do. And it pains me that I have to leave Beach Haven when the seasons over. Like what's gonna happen with Azariah and Kylo? They have to go back home and so do we.

My cheek feels wet and I hear something like a bell jingling.

"Lina bearrr." He says. "If you stop spacing out I'll make Luca stop."

It's so clear now. It is so clear. It's Luca. "Oh my god, Eli are you kidding me?"

"No?" Eli shakes his head side to side in a sassy manner. "Anyways."

"Anyways?" I mock.

"Yes." He replies. "I have to go back into town to grab a few more boxes and I'll be back tomorrow, you can stay here or you can go back to the beach house until I get back. Like you can go hang with your friends since I'll be gone, y'know."

"Didn't you say you were gonna stay?"

"Yeah- but I have stuff that needs to be here for my work.. And I forgot it."

I wave him off. "No worries, I'll go hang out with my friends and come back tomorrow."


Eli puts Luca in the car, shutting the door he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. Closing me in a bear like hug. "Introduce me to your friends when I get back?"

"Yeah, yeah I will." I say into the fabric of his hood.

He gives my head one last pat before taking off. After his car leaves the drive way, I go ahead and get into my car and drive back to Beach Haven.

Putting my key inside the keyhole, I twist it open.

My mouth drops to the fucking floor. I mean I knew it was coming but--- in my face the second I push open the door?

There stands Azariah and Athena eating each other's faces off. Azariah kisses Athena passionately as she leans against the counter for support. I still stand in the door way not knowing if I should move and make a sound or shut the door and leave.

As I mentally fight myself on what to do. I unconsciously talk to myself and when I do-- Athena pushes Azariah off of her causing him to stumble back.

"Heyyy best-friend." She looks at Azariah who throws up a 'what the fuck' hand motion. Athena motions towards me with her eyes going back and forth.

I laugh. But walk inside, shutting the door behind me. "I came home."

"I thought you were hanging with your bother, not that I don't mind. I love you and all-"

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