45 | M + E

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In the midst of a crowd of our close friends, family members and associates that would not entertain us if it were not for our financial status, I found myself searching for the one person that loved me for a reason that was beyond my understanding.

I always let myself believe that I was in charge of my life. Often it felt like I was in charge of the lives of those around me as well and never had I questioned why they had this much trust in me to make the best decisions possible, until that night.

My mouth felt dry and though this was my engagement party as much as it was Gia's, who made the night all about her, I felt void of all happiness.

My whole life I had taken calculated risks in order to follow in my fathers footsteps. I wanted to be a great man like he was, only to realize that he was barely even good let alone great.

How foolish was I to aspire to become someone whose terrible attitude and obsession with money let him to ruin the lives of his children— his wife.

My mother deserved better. She did not deserve to continuously have her heart broken, mended, only to have it broken again. For years I hated my father for being with my mother but loving someone else— longing for someone else.

I had been so blinded to notice that Gia would have the same fate as she did if I were to marry her. My betrothed wife looked insanely beautiful and I should have been excited about the life that awaited us, but I was not.

My heart raced as I convinced myself that I quickly needed to take action before it was too late. I wanted to be happy and for once I trusted myself enough to make a decision that was entirely mine and not manipulated.

"Where are you going?" Anthony asked.

I looked up at him, "I made a mistake."

He frowned and looked over at Gia who was only aware of herself. "Now is not a good time to make decisions you're not one hundred percent sure of, Mattia." He warned me.

"I know." I stated.

He glanced between Gia and I, unsure about the situation at first. "Come on." He sighed, pushing me out of the crowd by my wheelchair.

"Have you seen where they went?"

"No. Try calling."

My hand trembled as I reached for my phone and searched for her contact information. I stared at it for a while and when Anthony noticed this he stopped moving us forward.

"Again, are you sure about this?"

I nodded.

"What about Marco?" He then asked.

"Fuck," I groaned. I had forgotten all about my brother. I knew Marco had fallen for her and I did not want to ruin his chance at love. But, he was not the one for her. He could not be.

"You think he'll forgive me?" I painfully smiled with sarcasm as I leaned back.

"You think she'll forgive you? That's what you should be asking yourself."

"Only one way to find out." I collected my courage and called her number. "Damn it. It's off."

"Hey, have you seen Marco?" Anthony started asking around whilst I tried calling again.

"Parking lot." Anthony came power walking after questioning a few people.

We had made our way to the parking lot and spotted Marco's car right away since it was facing the house.

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