15 | E

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I woke up with a headache. The sound of an alarm drummed unto my eardrums which made the headache over a million times worse. I turned to my other side and almost fell from the bed when I came face to face with someone sleeping next to me.

"Marissa!" I breathed out, but she did not seem to hear me.

She was knocked out. Her hair covered her face and her mouth was slightly open. I lifted my arm which felt heavier than usual and let it fall on to her shoulders in an attempt to wake her up. But, the woman did not move. Meanwhile, the alarm kept going off until I could not take it anymore and propped myself up on my right elbow.

I hovered over her and reached for her phone on the nightstand on her side and switched off the alarm. When the sound finally stopped I laid down again, stretching my arms whilst I let out a yawn. That was when I heard Marco call out our names from right outside of the room.

I stayed in bed, hoping that he would ultimately leave us alone but of course that did not happen.

I tip-toed over to the door and opened it. Seeing Marco all dressed up in awell fitted dress pants and a white button up dress shirt that he had tucked into the pants and of which the sleeves were rolled up, made me take a step back. But before I had the chance to ask why he was dressed like he was going a date he had spoken up.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" He looked me up and down before he looked at the bed. "Marissa. We have to be there at eleven." He shouted.

"What?" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, trying to hold back the acid that tickled the back of my throat. I badly needed to vomit. We definitely had too much to drink.

"Nuelle the reading— the meeting with the lawyer." Marco stated with a straight face.

Shit...that's today?

It was as though these words had triggered my nausea. I simply could not hold myself back from throwing up, so I quickly  ran to the bathroom. I roughly pulled the door shot, luckily this managed to get a reaction out of Marissa.

From inside the bathroom I could hear Marco tell Marissa to get ready and when I came out of the shower they had both already left the room. I rushed to get dressed. Since Marco was dressed in such casual yet occasion appropriated clothes I decided to match his vibe and wear a white blouse and the black skirt I had borrowed from Marissa.

I put my hair in a bun, applied mascara and some lip gloss. Less than half an hour later I was rushing down the stairs, hoping that there was still enough time to have breakfast. My head was still spinning, but that was the consequence I had to deal with after having one too many drinks a day before such an important meeting.

I was on my way down when I noticed Marissa standing outside of Anthony's room. She was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. 

Seems like they've made up...

She had gotten completely shit faced at the club and somehow we ended up in my bed, the only logical reason behind this happening was the argument she had with Anthony on our way home. It was either this or she just followed me to my room, I could not seem to recall what exactly went down.

I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed an apple and had some black coffee. I had taken about two sips from my coffee and one bite from the apple when Marco signaled me that we were leaving. Emilio drove us to the law firm. Apparently Christoph and Anthony had some business to take care of.

The law firm was a three story building. We needed to be on the second floor. The elevator ride made my head spin even more and by the looks of it, it had an even worse effect on Marissa. She squeezed her eyes shut as she leaned with her back against the elevator wall. Her hair was let down, her blouse was slightly wrinkled and her skirt rose up.

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