Catching Up: Emma

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Emma Frost

Who Are You?:
You're the only human left in the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle.

After the slaughter of the Hellfire Club, Emma ended up sparing your life and taking you to be her partner.

Though she's kind to you, you have a feeling that she actually likes to toy with you.

How Did You Meet?:
You had heard that Sebastian had brought in a new girl for his "show". You wondered how much he had paid the poor girl.

You ended up backstage, for last minute preparations, when you spotted her.

She looked completely and utterly scared. So you approached her to see if you could help.

Y/N: Excuse me.

The girl looked at you. She didn't seem much older than you. And looking at her attire, well, you felt bad for her.

Y/N: You're new here, right?

Emma: Yes. My name is...

Announcer: We have a special dancer in the house tonight, folks, and she's guaranteed to wake you up quicker than a cold shower. Making her Hellfire debut, the Ice Princess!

Emma took a deep breath turned back to the stage. She began to step onto it, but you had whispered something that would end up changing everything.

Y/N: Good luck, buttercup.

Though her first, and only, performance was one of the worst the Hellfire Club has ever seen, you found yourself unable to take your eyes off of her.

And when she got into the minds the everyone in the crowd, you began to fear her.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It was simply by talking to her whenever you saw her.

After her debut, you would find her walling around the club. This had surpsied you at first, since you were sure someone would've called for her head, but she seemed much more confident. It wasn't until later that you realized that Shaw had pulled her into his group.

But you were both kind to each other. You often expressed how beautiful she looked on that day, or you would talk about things you never expected her to know much about. You enjoyed the chat, and she enjoyed the company.

Maybe that was why she spared your life.

Who Fell In Love First?:
She did.

She loved how much you cared. How kind you were. You never once saw her as a pawn or some easy fix. She had looked into you mind and found that you were full of hopefulness.

Hopefulness, and fear.

Who Asked Who?:
Emma was a woman who takes what she wants.

It was really more of an order than her asking. Since you were the only human left in the inner circle, many other members were ready to tear your head off at a moment's notice. But Emma protected you. However, that did mean you were unable to refuse her.

First Date:
Emma hated clichés.

But she also remembered that you had mentioned never going to Paris, even when you wanted to. So she pulled some strings and managed to get you both a flight.

You landed just in time for brunch.

First Fight:
She had looked into your head again.

You were feed up with being scared for your life. You were ready to leave. Emma took that personally and confronted you. You told her the truth, and she began to cry.

She really did want to keep you safe. To keep you away from Shaw and the others. But she also understood the fear in your eyes. So she vowed to never let anyone harm you.

First Time:
She requested you to her personal chambers one night.

You were confused by this, but obeyed nonetheless. You were shocked to find her laying on her bed, with very little on. She told you that she would always protect you, and that she cared for you.

So she pulled you in. You never wanted to leave.

What's It Like?:

Hair pulling

Though it may surpise you, she is a sub

There's a riding crop somewhere

Sometimes completely in the mind

Doesn't matter where you are as long as she's in the mood

Whispers in your ear

Who Said It First?:
Emma did.

She told you that she loved you after your first night together. That you were the true reason she was able to embrace her powers. That was why she chose to keep you close to her and away from the others.

You wouldn't say it until almost a year later.

Though you both had phones, it was rare to ever use them.

But she did like to mess with you sometimes. You would be doing something, or nothing, when she would enter the room. Only, it wasn't her and only you could see her. How did you know this?

Cause she was usually naked.

Would She Cheat?:

Emma Frost was many things, but she was not a cheater.

And you didn't dare to look at another woman.

Meeting The Family:
Emma had forsaken her family.

But you did meet one of her brothers. Christian was his name. A nice guy who was kicked out of the family for being gay. You had made a joke about the siblings making a sitcom called "The Mutant and the Brother", which Christian found amusing.

Emma, on the other hand, learned pretty early on that you had no family to speak of. You were an orphan that lived on the streets before you managed to make a name for yourself. She found it all the more impressive.

Turning Point:
You didn't understand the situation as well as you would've liked. But you did know that the X-Men were standing in front of the club, calling for Emma.

Emma: What imbeciles. Why would they come here?

She seemed more annoyed then scared. And you had watched her approach them. They spoke, then she returned. You waited for her but she never said anything.

Then, finally, she told you the truth.

Emma: They want me to teach at their school.

Her dream job.

You convinced her to take the offer.

She didn't want to, out of fear of leaving you behind, but you assured her that you would be fine. You were already prepared to leave at the drop of a hat, so you were ready to go.

Emma thanked you for your support and accepted the offer, with one additional request.

She had asked for you to live with her.

You had agreed.

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