Under The Stars (Nico)

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Necessary_Chaos, this one is for you!
You were beyond happy now. You were finally free from your weird engagement.

You can finally live your life as yourself. It was nice. It was......exciting.

After living so long thinking you were the son of those monsters and then finding out that you were royalty, you were now finally just you.

Just Y/N.

Nico: Hey, sweetie.

You looked up to see Nico walking towards you.

A lot of things have changed since you ran into the Inhumans again. The gang had all but split up and went their own ways after Gertrude was killed.

It still hurts thinking about it, but you knew that Chase was in much more pain than anyone else.

But you and Nico now owned an apartment in New York. She was working with actual heroes in some team called the A-Force.

You were happy for her. Really, you were.

Likewise, you were offered a place on the new Defenders team. Luke Cage and Iron Fist really liked the way you handled yourself during the invasion.

Nico walked over to where you were sitting and sat down in the open chair next to yours. The rooftop of your apartment was almost like a common place for everyone to go to.

Though, it was usually empty at night.

Y/N: How was "work"?

Nico just let out a drawn out sigh.

She loved helping people and being a hero. She even loved the people she worked with.

But it can be so tiring after a while.

Y/N: That bad, huh?

Nico: I had to fight a crazy space goddess that was trying to cast a spell to have every living being in existence under her control.

Thank God they succeeded.

She placed her chin on her hand as she looked at you.

Nico: And you?

Y/N: Me and Luke had to go and stop a guy who was trying to turn everyone in New York into monkies.

And thank God you succeeded as well.

The two of you looked at each other, then started to laugh.

A few years ago, back when you were both still teenagers, you were more worried about getting your homework done in time. Now, here you were. 22 years old and living adult lives.

You went from running away from evil parents to fighting evil people.

Nico: What are our lives even?

Y/N: Perfect in almost every way.

Nico just shook her head before she looked up. It was nice to live in a place where you could kinda see the stars. It reminded her of the days she spent with the Runaways.

How all of you would either sleep in the Frog Hopper or when the two of you would sneak away for some private time.

But now, here you were. No need for any real privacy. You both lived together. No one was really around to bother either of you.

It was kinda.......lonely.

You were happy and so was Nico. But, you both felt like something was missing. Something that you both longed for.

Nico: I talked to Molly today?

Y/N: Yeah?

Nico: She said hi. You know, you should call her more often.

You knew she was right. Molly was living with her grandma now. She was happy to live a normal life free of any crazy danger. She was now a freshman and she played tuba in the marching band.

You were proud of her.

Y/N: I'll call her tomorrow. What about Chase?

Nico shook her head.

Neither of you had heard from him since he disappeared a few weeks ago. You were both worried, but you also knew that he went away for a reason. You may not know what it was, but you trusted him.

You and Nico just sat together and watched the stars shine high into the sky.

You reached out and held her hand. She moved her chair a bit closer so she could lay her head on your shoulder.

Something was missing, but neither of you knew what.

What you did know was that you loved this girl, and she loved you.

While Nico rested her eyes after a long crazy day of being a hero, you thought about that small black box you had hidden away in your nightstand.

Nico: I love you.

You smiled. You laid your head on hers and closed your eyes as well.

Y/N: I love you to, Nico.

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