Part 14

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(Alex's POV)

She needs time and space, I keep reminding myself. All things considered she's taken it all rather well, almost too well. I'm not sure she still really believes everything I've said.

She was definitely freaked out by the whole Luna thing though she tried to hide it. I feel like I'm treading a fine line between smothering her too much, not giving her a chance to absorb everything, but I'm scared that if I don't hold on to her tightly she'll slip away from me. I feel emotionally drained and these tedious arguments that I'm having to mediate between other packs is not helping.

I know she's at the pool right now, the two guards I ordered to subtly follow and protect her keeping me regularly informed. I don't want to invade her privacy but after last night's still unsolved attack I need to know that she is safe.

Kingsley and Julian, the two Alphas' in front of me, are both starting to raise their voices as their dispute heats.

Interrupting I use my full Alpha command voice to end the argument, "Alpha Kingsley, the Ruma forest has always been shared between yourselves and the NightRunner pack and the Ruma river has always marked the border. That's not going to change. If animals are leaving your half of the forest to enter their's, then I suggest you make your own adjustments to entice them back. It sounds to me like perhaps your hunting has been too extensive and you're scaring them away. Hunt somewhere else for a while and I'm sure they will return but it is not upto Alpha Julian to give up some of his territory because you're not taking care of your own."

Alpha Julian smiles and nods satisfactorily whilst Alpha Kingsley looks annoyed at my answer but reluctantly nods too and lets it go. Thankfully they both return to their seats.

"Is there any other business or shall we break for dinner?"

"Actually yes" says Alpha Ray, he has a calculating look in his eye and as I glance at Rain next to him she looks incredibly smug. I'm instantly on edge.

"Go ahead, Alpha Ray."

"It has been brought to my attention that a human may have recently become aware of our existence. As you know there are protocols to be followed. The girl needs to be apprehended and questioned, and if deemed a non threat her memory wiped. I know a witch who is considered an expert, I'd be happy to recommend."

My fists and jaw clench as I fight to keep Firenz under control. From Rain's smug stare I've no doubt they're talking about Emily and at the first sign of a threat to her Firenz is desperate to break free and put them in their place. Alpha Ray is looking expectantly at me but it's Alpha Julian who speaks as I'm too busy mindlinking Otis and Lon to check Em is still ok at the Spa.

"Who is this girl?" asks Alpha Julian.

"Alpha Alex's newest acquisition. I'm intrigued to know why you think yourself above the rules Alpha Alex, you know significant relationships between ourselves and humans are strictly forbidden."

"There are exceptions," I murmur, glancing at Jake. I really didn't want to reveal Emily as my mate yet. Not till she had fully accepted everything and allowed the mate bond to be completed. But it looked like Alpha Ray (and Rain) were going to force my hand.

"You being intrigued by a pretty piece of ass is not an exception," Alpha Ray sneers and I'm up out of my seat banging my fists on the table in anger as I growl at him.

"She is my mate."

There's a deafening silence around the room at my statement. A look of shock flies across most of the Alpha's faces. Alpha Ray looks just as surprised which means he hadn't made that guess before.

"You've found your mate?"

"Yes" I nod emphatically, then decide I might as well go all in now. So rising up to my full height I scan the room looking every Alpha in the eye, "I've found my mate. A surprise I know after fourteen years but there it is. And yes she is human" I say looking back at Alpha Ray, "and I have told her about our community's existence and she is accepting it. No rules have been broken as she is my mate and the future Luna of Silvermoon pack."

At this declaration a small gasp comes from the corner where Rain is sitting but I studiously choose to ignore it and not look in her direction. There's another beat of silence before Alpha Julian is standing and striding over to offer his hand, "Congratulations Alpha Alex, this is wonderful news. You deserve your happiness and I'm sure the moon goddess has chosen well. I look forward to meeting your new Luna."

I relax slightly at his words and shake his offered hand. "I don't think she's up for being formally introduced yet but thanks."

As the other Alpha's offer congratulations Alpha Ray has slunk back into the corner and is in a deep whispered conversation with Rain. I turn my back on them to focus on the others. All things considered the other Alpha's seem genuinely intrigued but pleased for me. I'm grateful they're all accepting the idea of a human Luna so easily. That's one hurdle overcome anyway. But as I see Jake continuing to stare at the discussion going on behind me, a slight frown on his face, I realise there's probably many more still to come.

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