Chapter 3

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With a malice smile playing in his lips, he asked me "Where are you going at this time?" With fake concern.

"N..No...N...Nowhere." I replied.

"You know to this day Jawaad sahib, I don't why I couldn't answer a simple question asked by him. I always stuttered. Maybe because he made me nervous with his dominant aura or maybe it was because I was afraid of him with every fibre in my body."

I recall the conversation at the train station.

"Don't lie to me kitten. You were planning to go home, to your parents right? Away from me? But let me tell you, you can't escape from my clutches not now, not ever. I will keep you captured and I don't let you go, ever! I'll prove it to you now!" He grips my wrist and starts dragging me away from the train station, away from my escape.

I try to fight him, but my strength is no match compared to his.

He drags me to a rundown building nearby. Somewhere where no one will here my screams as it's secluded from the city.

I cry, I beg to get him to let me go. But he doesn't listen to me.

Inside the building is a soft light he keeps dragging me towards it. I just know something bad is going to happen.

He stops in front of the closed door that leads to the light and grabs my suitcase which I had been holding on for dear life and he throws it out of sight. I gasp and lung after it, it had my things. My possessions. My treasured belongings.

He threw it away with no remorse.

He grabbed me before I could get any further and threw me against the door. He gripped my throat and growled in low voice "Say Qabool Hai 3 times. That's all you need to do and I'll make your life heaven. Disobey and I'll make your life hell staring with your dearest parents." He threatened whilst he played with his sharp blade in a menacing way.

"So tell me are you going to obey me or are you going to play hard to get?" He mucked my helplessness.

I nodded. "Use your words my jaan."

"I'll do as you say." I spat out the words as I looked at the floor.

He chuckled, "good girl" he wrapped a red banarsi fabric dupatta around my head and shoulders and lead me into the room. With the imam and 2 witnesses awaiting for us. 

"And that's the day I somewhat willingly signed myself over to the devil himself. And I can promise you Jawad Sahib, that I wished I jumped from that building that exact night, instead of living such a disastrous life. People do ask me aren't you glad that Allah blessed you with so much success and wealth? I always reply with no. Allah released me from the clutches of the devil and then slipped a rope round my neck and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Wealth is a burden. It really is. You won't know until you experience it for yourself."

"You words state the truth writer sahiba but wealth used in the right way can gain you lots of rewards. But anyways please continue your story."

I scoff. "It's not just a story," I mock, "it's my story, my reality, my past. It's a part of me." 

He looks down shamefully, "I'm sorry sahiba I did not mean to say it so insensitively."

I take a deep breath, calming my anger. "It's ok Jawad sahib. I'm sorry as well. Sometimes my anger gets the better of me."

He nods slightly. I take a minute to calm myself before I start again.

"So he took me into that room and we got our Nikah done. I was now bound to him and he was bound to me. I knew this marriage would not benefit me in anyway, instead it would break me."

And break me it did.

It tore my into pieces like I wanted to do so to the Nikah papers.

Immediately after the Nikah was finalised he dragged me with him again and this time I didn't bother to resist.

He had rights over me now. I won't be able to resist as long as I am in his Nikah.

He dragged me to his car and threw me in. He got into the driver's seat in no time and sat there. While I sat rigid in my seat and was looking straight ahead until I heard him clear his throat.

"Look at me my kitten."

My head snapped in his direction afraid of the consequences I'll face if I didn't do so.

He chuckles, "oh what am I going to do with you my kitten?"

"I..I...don't know." I whisper.

"Oh you don't know?" He mocks sarcastically, "but I know I'm going to make love to you till the sun rises and you'll enjoy every moment of it."

I still at his words, my stomach feels uneasy and bile rises up to my throat.

And with a loud throaty chuckle he starts his car and drives off.

Where to?

I have no idea.

Soon enough we reach a big fancy hotel and he grabs my arm harshly and whispers in my ear "Don't you dare act up. The consequences will be more than you can bear." And we make our way inside the hotel.

I get weird stares from everyone maybe it's cause of who I'm with, or maybe it's my dishevelled state. I'm wearing black shalwar kameez with a red dupatta, I look like a runaway bride, not a forced one.

"Jawad sahab look at my wrists." I forward my wrists for him to see. "Can you see those indents?" I trace the indents with my finger. "These indents we're made by cuffs. Over 3 years, every time he would "make love" to me he would cuff me. I learnt to not fight the restraints. No matter how much pain I was in."

How was Chapter 3?
Her story is unravelling?
What's the future going to hold?

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