Prank War [9]

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    His body tensed, and he pulled away a few seconds later. His eyes stared into mine, and I could tell that he was trying to figure out what to do next.

    I sat there unmoving, my head feeling a little dizzy. I couldn't believe he did that. Biting my lower lip, I wondered what was going to happen next. Caden cleared his throat.

    "Sorry," he murmured, looking away.

    A second later, I let out a short, nervous laugh, "You're apologizing?"

    "Well yeah. I didn't ... mean to do that."

    "I don't believe in accidents," I told him, gently crossing my arms in front of my chest. Now was a good time to bring out my I-don't-care side. Deep down, I knew I was scared of being scared. And I absolutely hated that feeling.

    "You don't?" he mumbled absent-mindedly, staring at the ground. Why was he being so .. sulky? He kissed me, for goodness sakes. Isn't this supposed to be a happy moment?

    This was really awkward. I hated awkwardness. It's just so ... awkward.

    Maybe it's because I watch too many movies, but I really thought that the guy was supposed to confess that he loved her (in this case, me) after he kissed her (in this case, me again) or something.

    What is wrong with Caden? He seriously just busted my ... magical ... with-not-really-any-magic-involved fantasy.  Is it just me or did putting 'magical' in front of 'fantasy' make it seem more ... what's the word? Magical?

    Yeah, it was probably just me.

    "Well, uh, I should go," he suddenly said, standing up abruptly and breaking my train of thoughts, "I have .. three tests tomorrow."

    "Of course," I replied, staring at the floor. I tried to keep my voice as casual as I could, but it was obvious that I was irritated.

    I watched him walk out of room without hesitation. The second I heard the door close shut, I fell back onto my bed, pulling my pillow on top of my face.

    I was so frustrated. Why was my life a complete utter disaster?

    Knowing I couldn't hide my true feelings just made it worse. Screw Caden's good looks. And his nerdy-ness was actually completely attractive.

    Oh my god, I can't believe I just thought that.

    I groaned. The pillow was still sitting on top of my face, and now I was breathing in the stupid fabric.

    I was seriously pissed that I actually had feelings for him. When did this happen? More importantly, WHY?

    Plus the fact that he had just indirectly rejected me didn't help.

    Whatever, I thought. It's not like my life is ending just because he didn't like me back. Who cared about him? There are plenty of other fishes in the ocean.

    But I didn't want stupid fishes. I wanted him. And anyways, fishes have short attention spans. It would swim around, see me, and think 'Oh look! A girl!". Then it would swim around again, see me, and think 'Oh look! A girl!'

    And anyways, every fish I've had all died within three months. I don't know why. They all just ... died. They probably didn't like me very much.

    I groaned again. Maybe trying to do homework would help. Before I even attempted to reach for the papers, I immediately crossed that option out.

    Homework = nerdy-ness. Nerdy-ness = nerds. Nerds = Caden.

    I hated how everything reminded me of him. Especially since I'm stuck in this stupid boarding school, and everything in school always made its way back to Caden.

    Since thinking about him made it worse, I decided that I should just try to go to sleep. Maybe I'll forget him tomorrow.

    See, lying to yourself really didn't help. I mean, you know you're lying ... Do you get what I mean? No? Too bad.


    My back was resting against the tree, and my eyes scanned the outside of the school building. I noticed that it had a rather oval looking shape.

    I took a deep breath and smelled the sweet smell of air. Yeah, that's what I said. The sweet smell of air. I loved it when it smelled like nothing, and then you would wonder if your nose was broken.

    But then you realize that your nose can't be broken because you're still breathing.

    Yeah, I always tend to confuse myself. Plus the fact that I always talk and argue with myself in my head probably didn't make me completely normal. 

    Then I spotted him. He was slowly walking in my direction, with a smirk on his face. His brown hair was just a bit messy and his blue eyes were luminous under the sun.

    I smiled back as he sat down next to me. Then I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing in the faint smell of coconut shampoo that lingered on him.

    A few minutes of silence had gone by, and I was perfectly fine with it. These were the times where you really think about life, and what's really going to happen after you die. But then you realize you're wasting your life by doing that.

    "Ari," he murmured into my hair. I couldn't help but look up, and his lips immediately met with mine.

    The kiss was soft and slow, like we had all the time in the world. His arm tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His body was warm and comfortable, making me want to sink in deeper.

    If only this moment could last forever.

    We pulled away to take a breath, which lead me to envy aliens. I mean, they didn't need to breathe right? They didn't have to break a perfect kiss due to lack of oxygen.

    His arm was still around me, and I stared out towards the school building again. A penguin was wobbling towards us, followed with two elephants and a gigantic banana.

    The banana was trying to tell us something, but couldn't since it didn't have a mouth. Even if he (was a banana a he or a she?) had a mouth, it would have been too late, because a hundred giant robots marched towards us.

    Their steps caused the ground to shake, and I stood up. Together, the penguin, elephants, banana and I marched towards them, like we were superheroes or something.   

    Suddenly, I had a skateboard in my hand and started hitting the robots with it.

    Wait, hold on .... what?

~ ~ ~

    I opened my eyes, and waited for my vision to clear.

    Then I realized - it was only a dream. Well that's a real disappointment. I mean, I would have loved to meet a walking banana. No wait, bananas can't walk. They don't have feet.

    So let me rephrase that - I would have loved to meet a hopping banana.

    I closed my eyes again as I tried to remember exactly what had happened in the dream. Crazy things, since it was a dream after all. I couldn't exactly remember the ... guy, but I had a pretty good idea who it was.

    My stomach turned. Great, now I was dreaming about Caden. And I didn't just dream about him, I dreamed about kissing him.


    I quickly glanced at the time. What was I forgetting? Oh right, I was late for detention.

    With a sigh, I got up, slipped my shoes on, and headed out the door.

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