Chapter 16: Beginning of Summer

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"Shin, I like you."

What? He wasn't mishearing what Haruto was saying, right?

He couldn't believe that Suzuki Haruto was actually confessing to him. He felt more confused afterwards than shocked to be honest. Shin honestly wonders what was so good about him that made Haruto like him. And Shin also didn't know how he felt towards Haruto.

One thing was for sure, he didn't hate or dislike him.

He just didn't know the exact word or term of what he considers their relationship is.

Another thing that was for sure, is that he wanted to give Haruto a fair chance. In truth, Shin had never experienced romance or willingly sought out to experience it. He never thought anyone would confess to him. So...Haruto was his first.

And Shin wants to understand what he feels for Haruto.

"We don't know that much about each other yet and I want you to be completely sure about how you feel about me and I want to do the same for you too. So...let's stay we can be really sure about how feel towards one another...Okay?"

Even though Shin had read the novel, there really wasn't that much known about Suzuki Haruto. Haruto was the side character who hit on the protagonist, but he didn't like the protagonist at all. Just teased him because he found the drama created by his teasing interesting. It feels like Haruto was a completely different person now.

Is it because of me? Shin thought. He turns red at the thought. I mean yeah...I've already derailed the plot and stuff, but...

But to Shin now, Haruto isn't a novel character. Suzuki Haruto is Suzuki Haruto, someone who he considers to be important. Shin smiles. Yeah, Haruto is real and I want to get to know him myself.

Shin doesn't need a novel.

Shin doesn't need anyone else to tell him.

Shin has Haruto.

What could be better?

The trip ended successfully and studying for the exams was their next challenge. After that is summer vacation. For the first time, someone dreaded the word known as summer vacation. It was Haruto.

"Why does he cry every time he hears summer vacation? Is there something wrong with him?" Yuuji asked once.

"Oh, I think it's because Nakamura-kun's going to his grandmother's house at the countryside during summer. Suzuki-san will be lonely." Kei explains.

"..." So clingy!

So while everyone is preparing for the upcoming exams, this was Shin and Haruto's chance to spend more time together. During breaks and after school. The rooftop being their favorite place. As time passed by, Shin has learned many things.

What did he learn?

Then he would like to present this!

Suzuki Haruto Guide by Nakamura Shin:

It was hard to read the man sometimes, but to Shin, he was a very open book. Shin had observed that Haruto would act very differently with other people. Shin wouldn't call it a mask, all the sides of Haruto were real, but when it comes to Shin, he was vulnerable.

It felt like Haruto had a defensive barrier up when he was with other people. Like he put a limit to how much others can get close to him. It reminded him of the Novel Haruto, who was closed off. He might act so carefree and playful, but there was an invisible wall, even Kei couldn't break that.

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