Chapter 23: Conflict

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Shin stood beside Haruto in front of a simple Japanese home. The Suzuki Residence.

This was the plan.

Shin will be staying overnight at the Suzuki Residence.


"Y-You're really staying!?"

"I can't just waste the room your parents prepared for me."

"They are my heroes." Haruto whispers and clenches his fist.


"Are you ready?" Haruto asks with a smile.

Shin nods, making a small noise of confirmation. Shin was carrying a bag with clothes and other necessities. The two walk up to the door and Haruto pushes it open.

"Mom, I'm home! Shin's here too-"

"SHIN-KUN!" Haruto's mom suddenly comes out the corner. With a bright smile that matched her twinkling violet eyes, she marched up to the pair as her long dark hair swayed. She was wearing a long sleeved purple shirt and pair of dark pants.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Shin-kun. My name is Suzuki Reiko." Haruto's mother introduced, bowing her head. Shin greets back, bowing his head as well. Reiko then ushers the two inside the house. Before Haruto could say anything, Reiko spoke first. "Haruto, I would like to talk to Shin for a while."


"Go on, your father needs help upstairs." Reiko says, shooing Haruto with her hand. Haruto frowns, a little anxious. "Mom, don't overwhelm Shin."

"I know dear. Don't worry about us, go help your father."

"Mm, I'll be okay." Shin smiles at Haruto.

With just that, Haruto nodded and walked upstairs. Now, Shin and Reiko are finally alone together and the first thing Shin hears from her is, "He's smitten with you."

If Shin had drink in his mouth, he would've spat that out. Shin looks at Reiko, a mix of bafflement and bashfulness on his face. Reiko giggles at Shin's reaction, amused at the boy's panicky state. Shin didn't know what to say at all. Reiko leads the conversation, "Shin-kun, let's go the living room, shall we?"


The pair go to the living room, taking a seat together on a comfy sofa.

"Shin-kun, thank you for being with Haruto."

"O-Oh, I uh...I-It's not a problem...I um..."

"Haha, you're nice boy, Shin." Reiko says. "I really mean it though. Friend or more, thank you for just simply being with him."

"..." Shin is slightly surprised at Reiko's tender face. She looked relieved, like a heavy weight had just been lifted off of her shoulders after years of carrying it. Reiko looked at peace, not a single hint of worry. Reiko takes out her phone and moves a bit closer to Shin.

Reiko shows a picture of a young boy with a toothy smile and messy dark hair.

"Haruto is actually very lonely."


"He may not look like it, I know. He's so cheerful and loves to mess with people around him. He used to prank a lot of the other kids too." Reiko reminisces, eyes deeply fixed on the photo of little Haruto. "But he never had any genuine friendships. He never stuck to anyone or had anyone stick to him."

Come to think of it, Haruto was alone on the rooftop that day...Shin recalled his first time meeting with Haruto. Shin didn't exactly know if Haruto was alone before Shin came, but he was alone when Shin was woken up by him.

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