chapter four

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"Hey wait up!" Olivia heard behind her as she was untying Nina. She turned around to find Emma running after her. She reached Olivia, catching her breath for a moment.

"Sorry, I just wanted to apologize about Gaby. I know she can be rude, she just doesn't take very well to new people," she explained. Olivia assumed Gaby was the other girl with Emma when she'd arrived.

"Oh, that's alright. Bright Fields is Holloway's rival after all. I can't expect everyone here to like me," Olivia joked. Emma smiled.

"Well I'm glad not everyone at Bright Fields is as competitive as Mia," Emma said.

"Thank god they're not, one Mia is enough," Olivia replied humorously.

"Are you busy right now?" Emma then asked.

"I am actually, there's a guy who's been at Bright Fields for like ever, and he got into the academy so he's leaving today, there's a going-away party for him," explained Olivia. "Why?"

"Oh, well you just seem cool, I thought maybe we could go on a hack or something, but seeing as you're busy, well..." she trailed off.

"Oh, well, I'm sure there'll be another opportunity," Olivia said. "I'll see you around Emma," she said as she mounted Nina. Emma bid her goodbye and Olivia started for Bright Fields, hoping she wouldn't miss Marcus' goodbye party.

She rode into Bright Fields with Nina a few moments later, quickly putting her into her stable. She was glad to see Marcus was still there, chatting with Rosie.

"Thank goodness I got here in time," Olivia said as she approached them.

"You're not still mad about what I did?" He asked, perplexed.

"Oh absolutely, but being mad at you really isn't going to achieve anything is it?" She said with a smile. "Besides, I've known you for, what, five years? We're friends, I wanted to wish you good luck before you leave."

"You know I don't need luck Via," he joked. Olivia rolled her eyes good-naturedly

"What you do need is to tell Zoe what happened. Pin's at Holloway now, one of them is bound to tell him it was you who called, and he'll tell Zoe sooner or later," Olivia said. Marcus looked down but nodded nonetheless.

"What would I do without you Olivia," he said as he hugged her.

"I'm sure you'd manage," she joked as she hugged him back.

"Olivia! There you are, where's Pin?" Mia approached her as soon as Marcus was gone.

"At Holloway," simply replied Olivia.

"You were supposed to convince him to come back here," she said dryly.

"Pin's happy at Holloway, I won't take that away from him just because you want to win nationals. Besides, even if Pin wasn't riding for Holloway, he wouldn't ride for Bright Fields either. No with the way you've been treating him," Olivia said calmly. She didn't feel like getting mad again. She wasn't one to get mad often, and she didn't want to lose sight of herself.

"Fine, if you won't bring him back, I will," she said, waking away. Olivia sighed. There really was no way to change Mia's mind.

"Livie!" She then heard. Becky headed straight to her. "You'll never believe what happened!"

"What happened?" Olivia asked, smiling at her friend's excitement.

"I gave Marcus my hot Marcus map, and then I actually talked to him. I had to read from a text I wrote, but I actually did it! And then he kissed me on the cheek!" She rambled excitedly.

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