chapter twenty

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Emma stared in disbelief as James was handed the cup. Of course she'd wanted to win, but not like this. Not by cheating and by endangering everyone around. And of course, James was completely to blame.

"Honestly, what is wrong with you!" Emma yelled at James once she was alone with the team. "Do you honestly have so little faith in us that you felt the need to basically poison a horse?" she said, recounting what Gaby had informed the team of whilst Zoe was riding. James simply stared her down, seemingly unbothered with her tantrum.

"Excuse me, but last I checked I am your trainer. I know what's best for this team and you do not talk to me like that," he said harshly.

"Well maybe you need to check again. You're fired," said Callum, surprising Emma.

"What?" said James.

"You heard me. We don't need someone who thinks we need to cheat to win on this team," Callum replied, holding his hand out for James to hand him the trophy. James looked around, only to find unimpressed looks from every member of the team. Reluctantly, he handed Callum the cup. "Great, now scurry," added Callum with a raise of his eyebrows when James didn't budge. With a reluctant sigh, James stepped away, stopping besides Gaby to whisper something, before striding off until he was out of sight.

* * *

They'd lost. She could hardly believe it. Of course, she'd known it had been a possibility, but she'd never actually stopped and considered what would happen if they did lose. Now, as she stood amongst the remains of what once was Bright Fields, Olivia knew the possibilities of them managing to rebuild were slim. Very slim. Zoe had lost Raven, which meant she would be returning to America, and Olivia was due to leave for France any day now. Summer couldn't last forever now could it?

"Found anything else?" Jade asked as she approached Olivia.

"Nope. All this gear is burnt through," Olivia answered in disappointment, holding up the blackened gear she'd found.

"Come to gloat, have you?" Mia's voice sounded from outside. Jade and Olivia turned to look at each other, then stepping out to see what was going on. They found Holloway's team standing there, Pin notably absent.

"No," Callum said, answering Mia's previous statement. "I wanted to win Nationals, but not like that."

"What happened wasn't fair," said Alex.

"You guys deserve this," Callum added, handing Mia the trophy. Jade and Becky turned to look at each other in disbelief, running to Mia to admire the trophy.

"Thank you guys, it means a lot," Olivia said, approaching Emma. "Have you seen Pin?"

"No, I thought maybe he was with you," Emma answered. Olivia shook her head. Suddenly, they heard a horse, and Zoe's voice calling out Raven's name. Olivia and Emma turned to each other. "No way," Emma said, as both Bright Fields and Holloway riders alike ran towards the source of the voice, to find that Raven had indeed somehow managed to find his way back to Zoe once more. Behind him was Pin, answering everyone's question of how Raven had gotten here. Well, partly, as it still remained unknown exactly how Pin acquired Raven.

"What... How?" asked Zoe. "Pin, I don't understand."

"He's yours," Pin said. "I bought Raven. Then I bought Bright Fields."

"What?!" exclaimed Mia, echoing Olivia's own confusion.

"So, it turns out, I'm not just a stableboy. My mum's dad was the duke. My grandpa." Pin said. Olivia's mind whirred. Then did that mean...?

"So you're related to the duke?" Jade said.

"I kind of am the duke." Pin replied, prompting scattered cheers from everyone.

"The duke was descended from one of the smugglers, right?" Asked Becky.

"I think so. My dad said our family fortune came from a pretty dodgy place, so... don't worry, I'm basically still a criminal," joked Pin.

"Just quite a rich one," teased Marcus.

"Well, I think, deep down, I always knew we'd find a way to rebuild Bright Fields," said Mia. "Now we have to get to work. Start clearing out the rubble, and-"

"And, if you could start by clearing up the muck heap, Mia," cut in Pin, making Olivia snort as everybody else chuckled.

"Here you go, Mia," said Becky, handing Mia a shovel with a barely concealed laugh.

"Okay everyone, you heard the duke, let's get to work!" exclaimed Rosie, everyone following her back to the stables, mood restored. Olivia lingered behind, silently looking up at Pin's beaming face until he turned towards her.

"So, should I address you as 'your grace' now," joked Olivia, putting on an exaggeration of a posh accent.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," laughed Pin. "Do you wanna sit down?" Olivia accepted the invitation. She hoisted herself up on the fence beside Pin, strands of her hair whipping her face as she stared ahead in silence for a moment.


At long last, she turned towards Pin, who'd already been staring at her.

"You're leaving aren't you," she said quietly.

"I have to," he replied

"I know." So do I, she reminded herself.

"I just, I wanna see the world, you know? See what I've been missing out on."

"I know," she repeated, "You'll be back next summer though, won't you?"

Pin smiled. "Of course, I could never go that long without you," he said. "Plus, I might need a tour guide when I pass by the south of France," he added with a cheeky smile. Olivia beamed up at him.

"Well, I'll be sure to brush up on my tour-guiding skills then," she joked.

They looked at each other for a quiet moment, before they both leaned in, their lips connecting in a soft and adoring kiss, both wordlessly pouring out their hearts to each other. Their hope, their trust, and their love. Communicating the endless affection they held for each other. And as Olivia thought back to the packed bags waiting for her back at her aunt's house, for the first time it wasn't just sadness that filled her, but also hopeful certainty. Certainty that no matter what awaited her in the coming year, that next summer, and every summer after that, Pin would find his way back to her, and she would find her way back to him. That if everything in her life was uncertain, he would always be the exception.


The warm and salty mediterranean wind gently brushed Olivia's cheeks, announcing the fast approaching arrival of summer. The prom venue her school had rented loomed tall ahead of her. Much more impressive than the barn prom she'd attended last summer, but she doubted it could be any more memorable. After all, arresting a horse thief before your prom is about as memorable as it gets. Plus, Pin wouldn't be there.

"Come on, let's go in!" Olivia's friend Maddie giggled, dragging the rest of their friends, as well as their dates, along with her.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be right there," Olivia told her friends, who nodded and headed in. Just another week until she was back in England, back in Pin's arms.

"Don't be anxious, I doubt it could go worse than Pony Prom," a familiar voice said behind her. She whipped around, tears filling her eyes as she was greeted by the sight of her boyfriend behind her. "Heard you were in need of a date," he added. Olivia ran into his arms, an impressive feat considering the incredibly slim heels she was wearing.

"How are you here?" She breathed out. Last she'd checked in, which was this morning, Pin was supposedly in Greece.

"Cut my visit to Greece short." He explained. "Surprise!"

"I love you," Olivia said, hugging him tighter.

"I love you too," he answered, kissing her shortly. Maybe she'd been wrong about how memorable this prom night would be.

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