Chapter 5 - New Girls

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(A/N: Please only watch this when you get up to it, thank you)

Inna POV:

After lunch is hacking. The class passes smoothly as we are just revisiting JavaScript.  The hacking teacher slowly walking around the room, slow and steady steps echoing around the classroom. She was at the very back of the class when she snapped.

The eldest girl, Olga was thrown to the floor. The teacher starts to swear at her in Russian even though this month we are supposed to be practicing our English. I remember to try and not react or look however, I was too engrossed in what was happening to look away. Punches and kicks are administered to Olga's torso. The teacher wipes up a walkie talkie I hadn't noticed before.

More Russian is spoken, "У нас есть код красного цвета, я повторяю код красный. (We have a code red, I repeat a code red)" the teacher frantically says. She looks up at all of us I quickly snap my head back to my screen. 'Code Red' I think to myself. The words repeat in my head, over and over, Madame B's footsteps can be heard coming down the hallway.  Her steps are faster then usual. I knew she liked the fear it installed in us as she usually calmly walked around. However this time, it sound like she running down the hallway. She throws open the door. Her eyes seem to have fire in them.

She composes herself, and calmly as possible while glaring at Olga, trying to kill her with just her glare, walks up the steps, each step going past each one of the rows paired with a step. She turns down the ninth row. A look of pure horror is clear as day on her usually emotionless face. She throws the computer Olga was using at the wall behind her. and then back hands the girl on the floor. She pulls Olga by the hand up and starts dragging her down the steps.

Olga catches my eyes, the brief second we link seems to slow. The look of fear in her eyes, it hits me;

she doesn't know what she has done wrong.

I fail to give her a weak smile before she is practically thrown out of the room by Madame B.

"Alright Girl, go to your next class, class dismissed. " the teacher says, her Russian accent thick.

Next we all go single file into a dark room. Single desks all sit in rows facing a large screen at the front of the hall.

Taking my place the film is started. It is Betty Boop, Episode One, Betty Boop's Ker Choo.

(A/N: Watch the link now please 😁)

We all quote the entire episode. Not missing a word or a beat. "I caught a cold," we all let out a small squeal, "I'm feeling awfully bad, achoo, What a time I've had. achoo. Once, I didn't button up my overcoat. And all I do is sniff, achoo. Pass a handkerchief, achoo. What a funny feeling, in my eyes and ears and throat..."

The episode eventually ends, the moralizer walks down the middle gap left by the rows of chairs and desks. She turn to use, giving a pleasant smile. "Well done children. I hope you learnt something from this episode." She softens her face, looking down at us as if to mean no harm. "Everyone stand up please," we all comply getting up in unison. She then makes her way up and down the rows, making the tiniest of adjustments to every girl. 

Eventually she gets to me, I stand as straight as I can, my legs pressed together. My elbows at a ninety degree angle my hands gently placed together. "Why, I can't find a single flaw." She looks around at all the children, "Girls, this is what you all must strive to be like."

She continues down the rows. Slight adjustments are made, she eventually makes her way back to the front of the classroom. "Now children, you may go back to your dorms and practice for next lesson were we will be working on the 'picture pose'," she gives us one last smile before we all turn from our standing position and gently walk out of the classroom before beginning to march back.

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