chapter 27

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“Purpose of our life is to worship Allah.”

If you haven't prayed your Salah then please pray this book can wait but your Salah can't

Happy reading …

Amira Sultan p.o.v

After I completed my farj Salah , I raised my hand for dua …. First and most important I seek forgiveness from Allah s.w.t the most forgiving . That day the way I behaved or said was wrong no matter what Khalid said or did, it doesn't give me the right to misbehave . He is going to answer for his deed and I am going to answer for mine . People's bad behaviour toward you doesn't give you an excuse to become bad or cold hearted because if that was the case then the amount of disobedience we show toward our lord , we would be destroyed by now but we are not . The most merciful still give us a chance to rectify ourselves to become a better person so who are we to feel arrogant and get an excuse to misbehave .

When I wasn't practicing Islam , I used to think I am a good person and everyone around me is bad and selfish, cruel . I was never happy , I became worst and depressed but Allumdulliah , Allah s.w.t guided me , after I started practicing I realised there is so many bad things in me which I never realised like I use to lie , I use to get angry at everything , I used to hate my step mother and Zainab and trust me hating someone doesn't damage them it damage your heart that why Islam is against hating , Allah s.w.t don't like those people who hold grudges in their heart or hatred and most importantly I want Allah s.w.t to forgive my sins so how can I let my heart brew hatred for other .

Completing my dua , I felt a burden left from my chest .

It was early in the morning and no one was awake. It's been so many months since I cooked anything except one time when I made pancakes for Sayra .

So I decided to make  breakfast for everyone .

It's Rabiya who makes breakfast every day . I always try to help but she never lets me so today , I will make breakfast for everyone .

I was walking downstairs when I saw Amir coming out of his room rubbing his eyes .

I walk near him " hey , why are you so awake that to early in the morning "

He yawned before answering " just like that " he shrugged .

I look at him suspiciously.

" Can I watch cartoons? " he gave me a puppy dog look .

I stood up , putting both my hands on my waist. " So this is the reason you woke up so early. " I put on a serious face .

" No I was just -"

" No " I straight reject his request .

" Plews" he intentionally tap his eyes threw times to look cute

I smile then drop it " No means no "

" Let's go , brush your teeth and then we will have breakfast. '' I pushed his back lightly to encourage  him to wash his mouth .

After getting him cleaned I made him sat on the counter " but why can't I watch Tv "

" Because it's time angels are listening to you , if you say good thing like if you praised Allah then , Allah s.w.t will bless you and if you do bad things like waste your time watching tv then Allah s.w.t will take away your blessings " I explained , it's very important to teach children good moral and values at this age because after this age , they are not going to listen to you no matter how much you try .

"O " his mouth is shaped like o .

Pulling my hair in a bun , I wash my hand and started preparing for breakfast at the same time telling Amir Stories of prophet of Islam . I want him to get encouragement and try to do good things in life unlike Khalid .

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