chapter 59

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Do you feel empty? Pray and cry to ALLAH. Tell him all the problems you have. You will have more than you imagine

No one is allowed to take from another what he does not allow him of his own free will. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


I gasp for breath when someone splash water on me waking me up .

" Arghh... " grunting I pressed my neck feeling pain shot through my neck .

I tried to get up to see my surroundings but everything seemed blurry , I blinked again and again to clear my vision .

I saw a blur of figures screaming trying to get out of grip.

" KHALID !". I heard Amira's voice , suddenly thunder rumbled.....

Slowly my vision got cleared , I saw Amira crying trying to get free from Jannat's clutch . Osman standing just beside him with a sinister smirk on his face .

I stand up looking around ..... my blood froze as I recognised this place .

"Shoot me Khalid "

" Save those girls "

I closed my eyes as the scream of those girls rang inside my ear.

" Well... well ... well.... I heard life is a circle but never knew it's true isn't it " Jannat sickly sweet voice boom .

" Remember this place love " she looks around reminding him how she ruined his life in this place forever .

" You...." Khalid bared his teeth in Osman .

Everything started clicking in his mind one by one .

Flash back

Jannat wink at Osman when Khalid turns to take her number ....

It was Osman's idea to use Khalid as bait , he knew his weakness and used it cruelly .

" Humza got hand on the proof, " Osman informed Jannat .

" Hello ! Osman I got the proof against those Human traffickers. I am coming to the police station " Sayra hung up , Osman crashed the phone in anger . He quickly informs the men to kidnap Sayra .

He lied to Khalid not to inform police so that he could trap him .

He was the one who sent Myra as bait in Khalid's life to distract him .

All these while it was him.... Behind Jannat .

Flash back ends .

Realisation hit me like a hard brick .

" WHERE IS MY FAMILY " I growl , my anger radiating from my eyes.

I continue to burn holes toward him as his lips curl into sinister smiles .

His head signalled someone. I saw from far away a bus coming toward us .

My breath caught in my throat as I saw Ammi... Sayra, Ibrahim , Rabiya Aunty , Nafisa tied in the bus just like those girls .

I marched towards Osman to kill him but his men held my both arms tightly .

" I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ! I jump trying to break free from their grip .

" IT WAS ALWAYS YOU " I screamed trying to get free .

" Yeah ... it was always me yeah ... " he laughed, clasping his hand like he just said something funny .

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