10. Are You Drunk

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A month and a half were gone in a flash, this day was Qi Le An’s last shooting day.

Qi Le An’s final scene was where Bell, his character died to protect his master. After two hours of shooting, Director Cui finally smiled with satisfaction. Director Cui handed Qi Le An a handsome red packet to ward off ill luck from the death scene he just shot, while Hu Bin gave Qi Le An a big hug.

The ticket Glory booked for Qi Le An was in the afternoon, Qi Le An didn’t have time to do a proper farewell with the setting, he just said goodbye to a few crew members who were on great terms with him and then he went back to the hotel to pack up.

Qi Le An arrived at the train station an hour earlier than his departing time, but he met someone who he hated in the cafe by the station, Chu Cheng Yuan!

Waving his arms and stamping his feet in joy, Chu Cheng Yuan was talking to someone. It occurred to Qi Le An that Chu Cheng Yuan had said that he had been determined to be an actor since he was a kid, but what had inspired him further was a director took a shine to him when he visited a film and television base and the director asked him to play a minor role in the drama, that was how he debuted.

‘Could it be this visit?’ Qi Le An wondered.

‘Chu Cheng Yuan, I’ve always treated you well, but you put your iron hand in a velvet glove, I’m not sure whether it was you who had planned the car accident, but you surely are a traitor! Will history repeat itself if I do nothing?’ 

Qi Le An adjusted his facial expression and took a deep breath before he walked towards Chu Cheng Yuan, he patted Chu Cheng Yuan’s shoulder and exclaimed, “Ding, what are you doing here!”

“Do I know you?” Chu Cheng Yuan turned around in a huff and rubbed his shoulder.

Qi Le An quickly put Chu Cheng Yuan hair in his pocket and acted surprised, “I’m so sorry, I thought you were my friend, you two look so familiar from the back!”

Chu Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes and cursed in a whisper, with that he turned back ans continued the conversation with his friend.

Qi Le An sneered and walked away, ‘I can’t stop you from entering show business once and for all, but I can interfere in your choices.’

Qi Le An fabricated a nightmare for Chu Cheng Yuan that night, in the nightmare, Chu Cheng Yuan fell from the saddle and got hurt in shooting.

Having finished his first drama, but Glory didn’t arrange anything special for Qi Le An because there were numerous trainees in Glory.

Qi Le An went back to the classroom the next morning. Some trainees were more indifferent to him, while some started to treat him nicely. Qi Le An dosed them with their own physic, he would return a fake smile or silence accordingly.

Mr. Li spoke highly of Qi Le An, he asked Qi Le An to stay humble in private and he assured Qi Le An that he would recommend Qi Le An when a good opportunity came up.

Yan Lang was still not back, Qi Le An was more than happy to hog the dormitory, he would binge watch subtitled movies to broaden his horizon, for he knew he didn’t watch enough masterpieces in his last life.

Qi Le An had met Uncle who was waiting to confront him at the gate on the day off, Uncle dashed to Qi Le An and grabbed his collar, “You spoiled brat, what a rebel!”

The security guards were used to farces like this, they just turned their heads in silence. Qi Le An sized up the situation and begged for mercy, “Uncle, listen to me!”

Uncle sneered, “Now you are calling me uncle, you were so bold in the setting, weren’t you?”

“That’s pure misunderstanding! Glory forced me to do that, I’ve been trying to contact you!” Qi Le An looked pathetic.

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