17. A Slap

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Wei Chang Feng was taking Qi Le An to the most renowned roast duck restaurant in B city to repay his kindness for the other night, the chef there used to be the Executive Chef in State Banquets, the restaurant was fully booked all year round.

Qi Le An was so surprised that Wei Chang Feng was taking him here, he knew how hard to make a reservation in this place, he had only been to this place once in his last life for it was impossible to book.

Gary apologized to them after they arrived that he couldn’t join them for dinner due to some other engagement, Wei Chang Feng took him to a private room with ease. Qi Le An felt so flattered, everything felt too good to be true.

“Do you still remember when we had dinner together last time, I said I would cook for you one day?” Wei Chang Feng asked casually after they were seated.

Qi Le An nodded with a smile.

“I will, but this time I can only treat you to a nice roast duck dinner.”

Two chefs walked in with a cart, there was a duck and a set of tools in the cart. They greeted the guests briefly and began to work, it was more like a performance, they carved the duck so gracefully and served the meat with steamed pancakes and an assortment of vegetable dishes.

Qi Le An’s stomach started to rumble as he smelt the aroma. Wei Chang Feng handed Qi Le An the sliced duck and together they dived in, the aroma was mouth-watering, the meat juicy, the pancakes and assorted veggies tender.

Qi Le An and Wei Chang Feng talked and laughed, how Qi Le An wished this dinner would never end. But it was getting late, Wei Chang Feng drove Qi Le An back to his hotel.

“Thank you so much for today, Wei Sama!” Qi Le An said goodbye to Wei Chang Feng with reluctance as they parted at the hotel gate.

“No worries at all.”

“Please let me know next time you visit Hai City, I will show you around.” Qi Le An said seriously.

Wei Chang Feng laughed and nodded. Qi Le An didn’t want to catch any unnecessary attention, so he took a deep breath and got off the car.

Satisfaction and delight was written all over Qi Le An’s face as he walked into the hotel, Wei Chang Feng had made him a latte, Wei Chang Feng had taken him to dinner, they laughed so much... ...

‘Today cannot get any better!’ thought Qi Le An until he met Yan Lang and Mr. Li in the lobby, clearly, they were waiting for him.

Qi Le An’s heart gave a jolt as he saw them.

“Qi Le An! Where have you been?” Mr. Li fumed.

‘Did he found out Wei Chang Feng had taken me to dinner, but why is he so mad?’ wondered Qi Le An.

Mr. Li smelt like alcohol as Qi Le An walked closer to him.

Yan Lang who was standing behind Mr. Li sneered at Qi Le An.

“Mr. Li, I was just having dinner.” replied Qi Le An, ‘There’s nothing wrong with that, I didn’t do anything wrong.’

Meanwhile Wei Chang Feng who was about to leave had alighted on Qi Le An’s wallet that he had accidentally left on the seat. Wei Chang Feng frowned.

Mr. Li wasn’t satisfied with Qi Le An’s answer, he looked so riled up, “It took you an awfully long time to have dinner! Why didn’t you answer my call? Do you know you have both room cards on you?”

It wasn’t until now did Qi Le An realize why Mr. Li was so mad, Mr. Li asked Qi Le An to keep both room cards in the morning, so neither of them could get back to their room due to Qi Le An.

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Where stories live. Discover now