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"Rafe." I say. He's rushing around the room like a chicken with its head cut off. "Rafe please relax."

He's breathing loud, digging through his bedside table after he shoves his dress pants and jacket back on, leaving his chest revealed.

He pulls something out, shoves it in his pocket and rushes out the door. I quickly follow him downstairs, not caring that I'm only in my underwear and t-shirt.

"Rafe." I whisper shout. "Don't go out there."

"Stay here Cassie." He says. He rips open the front door and slams it before I get the chance to walk out. I watch from through the glass in the door, he stomps toward the van, who's lights are now off.

I open the door quietly to prevent him from hearing me. I'm not letting Rafe get hurt over this stupid situation.

"What the hell man?" Rafe yells at the van.

I stand on the porch deck, praying that Mike leaves without any confrontation.

Within seconds, Rafe swings open the door, grabs Mike by the jacket and pulls him out of the van.

"Rafe!" I yell.

"What's your problem hey? You think you're going to stalk my girlfriend and try to take her away from me?" Rafe says.

"No no, I was told by her parents to not come home without her. I was just looking to talk to her." Mike stutters.

"Well she isn't going to talk to you okay?" Rafe says.

"But-" Mike says but Rafe interrupts him by pulling a gun out of his pocket. Gun?

"Rafe, stop it." I say, walking closer.

"Stay there Cassie, I mean it." He says. The gun is inches away from Mike's face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll leave. Don't shoot, you won't see me again I swear, just don't shoot." Mike says.

"Rafe, put the gun down. Please." I say. My heart is beating out of my chest, my eyes starting to water.

Rafe holds the gun in Mike's face for another minute before letting him crawl back into the van and drive off in a hurry.

We stand alone, about ten feet apart, lost for words. He paces back and forth, breathing heavily, avoiding my eye contact.

"Rafe." I say.

He stops pacing and looks at me. His eyes are enlarged and his chest is rising up and down. His abs are tightened, shining from sweat.

"Are you scared?" He asks quietly.

"Scared? No Rafe I'm not scared but was that really necessary?" I say.

"Yes." He says. "He was stalking you Cassie! You don't know what he would have done to get you in that van with him!"

"I know Rafe but the gun? Seriously." I sigh.

"Look, I did what had to be done, alright?" He says.

He walks close to me, stopping just before his chest touches me.

"I'm sorry, I just want to protect you." He says.

"I know." I say. "But you can't protect me when you're in jail for pulling guns on people."

"I won't go to jail." He says.

"You don't know that." I say.

"Rafe! What's going on?" Ward yells from the porch.

"Nothing dad." He says, rolling his eyes.

Toxic:  A Rafe Cameron StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ