Fourteen | Do It

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Something I have grown to like.

My mind is drawing a blank. I could write about my diabetes, but I have been using that topic since I got diagnosed.

Something I have grown to like...

I know something I don't like. It is the constant thudding at my window. I pull my curtain over, hoping it would stop. It is clear he didn't take the hint.

"Jeez Dakota, are you going to throw a brick at my window next?" I yell out of my now opened window. He is sitting in his desk chair, right next to his window not responding. Is throwing a pencil out of my window and missing considered littering? I sure hope it isn't.

I don't have the arm of a baseball player but I sure can try. I find a random mechanical pencil and throw it out of my window. Hey, I got it in his room, but not where I was aiming for.

"Girl you hit my *NSYNC poster!"

"What is that?" I yell back.

His face looks like the type you would see from a dad whose child just disappointed him. "Don't you listen to boy bands?"

"I do!"

"Look up the song Tearing Up My Heart. You're welcome in advance!"

Now I am the one radiating the same face he had just seconds ago. "Who broke your heart?" I ask.

I can't hear it but by the smile on his face, I can tell he let out a laugh. "Bye Nyla." Yup go ahead, ignore my question. He closes his blinds after waving goodbye. It is only three pm, so I know he is not going to sleep. No car but his is in the driveway.

I could use a break from my work.

Let's go annoy Dakota Reid.

It takes a few knocks and doorbell rings for him to answer. "May I help you Dylans?"

"Hi, yes." I step through the door without a second thought.

"Just walking into my house I see."

"I am glad you have 20/20 vision. Spare some of that sight to the ones who don't?"

He laughs. "I am okay."

Dakota's main personality trait is that he has perfect vision. No one in his family but him has that good of eyesight. Actually, never mind. It is definitely the green-eyed gene. He and his mom are the only Reid's who have good vision. I find this interesting because people with brown eyes, like myself, are more likely to have healthy eyes. Weird. Whatever.

"What are you doing here?" He cuts to the chase way too quickly.

"Visiting my best friend of course." My duh voice lets him know I am being sarcastic. "Ya know," I begin resting my elbow on his kitchen counter. "It was rude of you to close your blind on me."

In a British accent, he mimics. "My Nyla, I am so sorry. How am I ever going to get your trust back??" He goes back to his normal voice. "Do you want me to open them or something?"

"I am bored," I state the obvious.

"So you come over to my house out of boredom?"

"Yeah." I shrug. "Where is everyone?" I ask, noticing the house is quiet.

"Mom and dad are at a meeting and Delaney is at work. Neither of them will be back until 11."

I don't remember exactly how we ended up on the second floor of the house but we did. When we get to his room I notice the papers scattered on his desk. I pick one up and read it out loud. "Dakota's essay ideas though they suck. Number one. Reading. Two. Playing my Cello. Three. Too weird to put on paper cause I don't want to seem creepy. Very interesting topics. I say go with number three."

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