Twenty One | Finally

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A nervous Dakota is funny to look at.

But do you know what is even more hilarious? A nervous Atlas who looks like he is going to pass out any second.

He ran over to my house first thing this afternoon for one thing only.

"Nyla, what if she says no-"

"She will not say no," I reassure him immediately. I don't have time for this what-if moment. She will say yes and I don't want him second-guessing himself. "What are you going to do to ask her to be your girlfriend?"

"Umm ask her?"

I walk over to my desk and can't help the laugh that comes from me. "How romantic."

"The only good flower shop is right next to Reids and the tattoo shop. I can't have her seeing me. We all know Delaney daydreams as she stares out of that window."

I sit on my desk chair and spin around to face the stressed boy. "We can go to the grocery store and get her flowers."

"Nyla, those are from the grocery store. They don't even smell good. They smell too floral."

"Lies, I love the smell of grocery store flowers." I object.

"Then you must be weird." He says, fixing his hair in the mirror. Every time someone comes into my room they always look at themselves in the mirror. Delaney even fixed her mascara by using my mirror. It is a simple mirror on the wall, nothing fancy, so I don't get everyone's deal with it. "Nyla, why am I looking extra ugly today?" He freaks out.

I enter the mirror reflection after standing up and give him the look of bewilderment. "Shut up and look at yourself. You're just nervous."

"I think-" he pauses, spotting something out of the window. "Damn your rooms are right across from each other. Anyway, yeah, can we go to the flower shop by Reids Lit?"

"I thought you said we would get caught."

"Sunglasses work every time."

I pick up two sunglasses from my vanity, giving him one of them. "Can I drive?"

"I would say no but since she would immediately recognize my car, I am saying yes."


I had to park all the way in the back parking spot so my car wouldn't get recognized.

Shockingly for such a cold autumn day, it is relatively sunny. I thought I would look idiotic with them on, but I guess not.

"One day after Halloween and it looks like Christmas here already." I notice.

Something I have longed to do is come here when it is nighttime to see the holiday lights. Like most places, there are Christmas lights wrapped around the trunks of the trees, greenery everywhere, and the shops are all decorated according to the next holiday.

"Glasses on, hoods up," Atlas says doing exactly that. I keep my hood off but by request, I put the glasses on. "Can we take the long way?"

"And end up in the spooky alley? Nope."

He sighs and starts walking towards the floral shop.

I am a fast walker but damn is this one even faster. I took two seconds to tie my shoes and he is already halfway across the parking lot. Sometimes I wonder why people walk so fast. I know some can't help it, but to do that willingly? I am taking my time to get to the destination. I don't want to rush.

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