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✨art credit: @kadeart on Twitter✨

*Last chapter*


Hawks falls asleep next to (Y/n) without noticing. His one of his wings wrapped around her body to keep her safe and make sure she's okay.


Your POV.

I woke up from the sunlight coming through the curtains. I slightly scratch my eye "ahh..my eyes are puffy again" I thought to myself.

All I've done is cry these days. But I mean, can you blame me? Putting faith and trust into a lying, abusive and toxic men which made me believe that he'd change and treat me better. The BARE FKN MINIMUM.

Standard? The bar is on the fucking floor.

I sigh at the thought of it. I look around the room and slowly put my hand down, that's when I feel feathers? I look down and I see a HUGE RED WING spread across the bed. That's when I put my attention to Hawks.

He looks so peaceful sleeping, it must be hard being a hero. No2 at that, I try to get out of bed quiet and carefully. "I'll make us some breakfast as gratitude for letting me stay here" I thought.

I made my way to the kitchen. I open the cabinets slowly to check where everything is at, it feels weird doing this without permission but I don't want to wake him up.

I grab everything I need. I'll be making scrambled eggs, toast, blueberry pancakes, orange juice and some fruits on the side cause why not? (If you guys don't like this "menu" feel free to change it :3 )

Hawks POV.

"Ughh to bright Jesus!" I shift a bit and open my eyes. When they adjust to the room I remembered I was looking after her.

"Hey kid wake-" I started to mumble out when I looked down the bed is empty. I swear she was here 5 minutes ago! My feathers felt it.

I hurried down the hallway and look through every room. Nothing. "Dammit" I cursed under my breath. Come on girl where are you? You couldn't have gone too far.

I ran down stairs and that's when I smelled toast? I hurried myself to the kitchen and there she was. Fixing some food into two plates.

She looked up and smiled at me "Hi mister chicken head! You're up quite early" of course that's a joke, I looked at the clock and it's 11am almost noon. I look down and laugh, I don't normally sleep in but I guess I was tired.

"Now I don't usually wake up THIS early but I made an exception for you Sir Hawks and decide to make you some breakfast!" She said in a joking/nice way.
"Now please take a sit and enjoy! I made it all be myself" she said happily.

And I did as I was told " Sir Hawks uh? Mind saying that one more time for me kid?" I said while sitting and looking at the plate placed in front on me.

She rolled her eyes at me and laughed "don't test your luck mister" I laughed at that, Id be lying if I said I didn't get a bit nervous when she said that.

I look down and she made scrambled eggs, toast some fruits and even some pancakes?!! Honestly I was shocked that she made all of this while I was sleeping and I didn't even notice!

I took a bite of the food "gurrrl this is nice!" she laughed while sitting down in front of me. "Yeah I kinda noticed bro, your feather are dancing in the air" she pointed behind me and when I looked she was right.

Most of my feather were swinging left and right or twirling mid air. I felt my face heating up and quickly made my feathers fall to the ground. I sigh and slowly look back at her.

She giving me a weird look oh god.

"You...good bro?" She laughs while looking directly at me "Me? Pfff of course wh- why wouldn't I be?" I say trying to hide the fact that I'm nervous, hopefully she won't notice.

"Hey your face is kinda red, are you getting sick?" She leans over the table to get a better at my face, I panicked and quickly look away "YES! Yes I'm great I'm fine, let's eat the rest of the food it'll get cold!"

"Oh right! Sorry, you must be hungry. I hope you like it" she looks at me sweetly. Men give me a break it's getting a bit hot in here. "I'm sure I will thank you miss...?"

"Oh my name is (Y/n)! Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier" she gives me an apology look.

"It's fine kid don't sweat it" I say while I continued eating. (Y/n) huh? There's a sweet ring to it. I like that name.


Hi loves!💖 I know it's been a while, I was having a writers block and I didn't really know where I wanted this story to go. But now I do and I have a few ideas for this book! Thank you for those who waited patiently for an update! I hope you guys are staying hydrated and sleeping well💖

I apologize if there's any mistakes :')

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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