Chapter 18: She Doesn't Remember Me

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It has been a while since I went with Bryan to see his mother. I pray that she will remember me.

Bryan drives the two of us there and behind us is a car full of Kaius's men. He hasn't let me go anywhere without his men with me. I would love to fight back that I can care for myself but I see his reasoning.

If a werewolf loses their mate, it is a fate worse than death. He won't let anything happen to me... until I break the bond.

I feel like thinking those words is like trying to drink down poison. I know that I am running from something in my mind. I want so badly to give into the bond but at the same time, the images of that night keeps flashing through my mind.

It was a werewolf that did that. Kaius is a werewolf.

Bryan turns into the nursing home where his mother has been for years.

Bryan's mother was an older woman when she had him. Her dementia is hitting her early in life compared to how old people usually are.

One of Kaius's men follow us inside but the rest stay outside. We head to her room after checking in.

The halls and staff are very pleasant. I wouldn't have given Bryan any less money for his mom to stay in such a safe place. When I first met Bryan, he had to care for her all on his own. He was even younger. As part of our agreement, I gave his mother a place where she could be cared for all the time.

"Mom." Bryan crosses the room to where his mother is sitting in her chair and looking out the large window.

She keeps staring out the window. "Mom. It's Bryan. And Hiraeth is here too."

She slowly turns her head to him and smiles. "Bryan?"

He nods. "It's me. I brought you something." I hand Bryan the flowers we stopped to get for her. Her favorite have always been pink gerber daisies.

She smiled. "Thank you. They are lovely." Taking them, she admires them for a moment.

"Let me put them in a vase for you." I say, reaching for them.

She turns slightly, just enough to hand them to me. I take them and head for the sink and cabinets in her room.

"Mom, do you remember Hiraeth?"

I don't hear anything and so I turn my head to see her reaction as I fill the vase with water.

She keeps facing out the window.

"Mom?" Bryan tries again.

"I...I'm sorry."

I feel my heart drop. I put the flowers in the vase and go to place them on her dresser.

I then walk over to her and kneel beside her like Bryan. She turns and faces me.

"I don't remember. I'm sorry."

I nod and hold back the pricks in my eyes. "It's okay. Everything is okay." I force a smile.

I see her relax at my smile and look down to her hands. She is tugging at a lace coster she knitted a while ago. She always plays with it when she is nervous.

We spend the rest of our time listening to Bryan's mother talk about the people caring for her. When it was time to take her meds she fussed with Bryan about being forced to take drugs but eventually relented. She may be fading but that woman can be a spit fire when she wants to. Very sassy.

On the way back, I insisted on driving. Every time we go to see Bryan's mother he always gets quiet and sad.

In the silence of the car I decided to try and take his mind off of her. "Did you and Mr. Harper learn anything in my absence from home?"

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