Chapter 30: The Army

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My wolf howled the moment I found out she was gone. I shifted on the spot and tore apart the room, feeling a paint ache in my arm and head. It felt as if I had been clawed and punched in the head.

I didn't want to think about it but my wolf already knew what that meant. Our mate was hurt.

We tore into the woods and searched and searched for her, howling and longing for her to call to me. I wanted to hear her say my name and tell me everything was okay.

Last time she went missing, I was able to find her and save her. The sight alone almost killed me then and there when I saw that gun pointed at her head. Now I can't find her. I can't get to her because there is no trace of her.

She is gone. I can't find her anywhere and she won't respond to the mindlink.

It has almost been two days since she was taken while visiting Bryan's mother. I'm such a fucking idiot for letting her go. Now my Queen is gone and I don't know what state she is in.

She is alive, that's for sure. The only way for me to die is if my mate is killed. The moment her heart stops, mine will stop too.

I can't think about myself. All I can think about is the last time I heard her sweet voice. The last time she kissed me before leaving. How bright and fiery her hair was in the sun.

I promised myself to save her from the heat and I know she was completely in agreement. But now with her gone and so close to three days since I marked her, she could go into heat soon. Not only does it pain me to think of how much pain she would be in but how it will turn out for us.

A female werewolf can hardly survive a few days in heat. Humans barely survive one day.


I growl and throw the closest thing to my hand off my desk and at whoever just walked in. It flies across the room but I watch it hit the wall beside Ryder's head, right where I had angled.

"Don't say one more fucking thing unless you have news about Hiraeth."

He looks to the ground in submission. "We have another potential lead."

Leads. We have searched several places all over the world for her. The only people who know that she is gone are our army and allies.

"What the fuck is this one?"

My teeth are elongated and my claws have been out since I found out she was taken. My wolf has been begging to get free and search for her. Last night, instead of sleeping, I allowed him to. He ran around all night, trying to catch her scent. He was wild and untamable without his mate.

I feel him pushing to be free again.

"I have one last place in mind." A small voice comes from behind Ryder.

I watch Lucy try to step around Ryder but Ryder steps in front of her. Even though Ryder is submitting to me, he knows how on edge I am. He is protecting his mate.

"Speak!" I bark an order at her.

"There is a place that Fenris loved to go to. I didn't think he would go there but now I'm wondering if he took her there."


I am interrupted when the phone rings. It cuts through the air and makes my wolf snap. I practically shatter the phone in my hands and I bring it to my face.


"Calm down, brother. That's a lot of Alpha male attitude coming from you."

An angry chill runs down my spine.

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