Chapter Nine

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Sapphire's POV:

It was the weekend, and I was beyond bored. Carmen and I were the only one's that stayed home, because everybody else had something to keep them occupied today.

Topaz was out patrolling the territory, as usual. Zev was out doing an assignment the Elders gave him. And, as for Artemis... Well, she's been acting strange ever since she came home a couple days ago after the encounter with that girl, Jen. She's been sneaking out of the house a lot, and she's become more distant. I still don't know what the whole situation was about, but I decided not to stick my head in her business. Yet, it still bothered me that Zev and Topaz knew, and I didn't.

"Sapphire, are you paying attention?"

"Yeah, yeah.. Actually, what were we talking about again?"

"You were going to put me through some training remember? But then you just stopped and started staring off into space."

"Oh, sorry, Carmen. Come on." I trotted off past my sister, leading her deep into the woods. "I know a great spot where you can practice your skills. And, if we get hungry enough, I'll teach you how to hunt."

"Why? I don't want to kill innocent animals though."

"Well, get used to it. It's our nature, Carmen. In case you didn't notice, all wolves are carnivores."

"Well, I'll make history by being the first wolf to be a vegetarian."

I shook my head at my sister's comment. "Trust me, once you've had your first kill, you'll change your mind. I didn't like the thought of it when I first shifted either. Now stop lagging behind, you're making me paranoid that I'm going to lose you. This area is pretty big."

Carmen obeyed, and began to walk faster. We walked side by side for a while talking about her training, and how intense it would be. Since she was going to lead the pack, she's going to be put through some hard work. I had to go through what she has to do. My parents trained me, well.. Mostly my mom, before she died. Then it was my father, but then, he died too. It was requested by the Elders that my grandmother train me after my parents died, but she refused. We never really got along very well, and up to this day we still don't see eye to eye. I'll spare you guys to details on why though. So, since she turned down the offer, I've been training myself. My siblings help every once in a while, but I prefer working out by myself.

"We're here." I said, and stopped in front of a large oak tree. It was pretty dark, where we were. The trees blocked off some of the sunlight that was trying to creep it's way through. "There's a lot of space here, and numerous prey live in this part of the woods. So, after I teach you the basic stuff, like striking an oppenent, or defending yourself, I'll teach you how to hunt. Lucky for you, if you really don't want to kill anything, the main city is not too far from here, so maybe I'll take you to a fast food joint, or something."

"Got it." Carmen nodded.

"Alright, let's get started."

An hour later..

"This is the worst."

"Oh come on, I went easy on you this time."

Carmen and I have been sparring for a while now. And so far, she hasn't won a single battle against me. I wasn't even giving it my all.

"Can we call it a day? I'm beat."

"You're just trying to make an excuse so you won't have to hunt."

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