Happy Birthday Boys!

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I'm a bit late posting this, I haven't had any inspiration for a long time now and I am so sorry! Either way, this can be read as a separate chapter or a continuation from the last one! I hope you like this late birthday present for our favourite babies! Enjoy Xxx

(y/n) pov

Light flooded behind my closed eyelids, causing my already pounding head to hurt even more. I sighed quietly, even that exhale of breath made the back of my eyes throb. I opened my eyes slightly, the bleary image of my bedroom being softly lit by the early sunshine. Now that it was autumn, the light was a lot less intense, being darker in the early morning, but either way, I felt absolutely awful. Today was the worst day to be ill, I had so much to do today!

Today was my son's birthday, they'd be turning five, its an important day! I had to bake and decorate the cake, I had to make a buffet of their favourite foods, enough to feed at least fifteen people with all the people I had invited and then I would have to make sure nobody got arrested or in fights which was going to take up a huge portion of the day, there were the party decorations, making sure the boys stayed happy. There was too much to do and I couldn't do a lot of it if I'm worried I'll fall over!

I sighed once again, seeing flashes behind my closed eyelids, I stood up from my warm cocoon, freezing as the cold air enveloped me. I suddenly felt warm and felt myself beginning to fall forward, thudding to the ground as darkness overtook my vision.

Bakugo pov

I was leaving my place, had to go get some presents for the brats across the hall. I felt myself begin to fondly smile at the thought of the family across from my home, (y/n) and her two boys. Being completely honest, I had a massive crush on (y/n) when we were in middle school, but I knew she wouldn't like me back then, hell, I didn't like me back then, I was a bully and I was so very angry. I mean... I still sort of am, but I've gotten better!

Either way, I locked the front door and began thinking about what the twins would've wanted for their birthdays, that's when I heard it. A thudding coming from (y/n)'s apartment. I panicked, 'Had her place been broken into? In broad daylight? Did she drop something? Is one of the kids hurt? What am I doing? I need to go in!

I got to the door and knocked swiftly, just in case. "(y/n)?" I called, panic beginning to rise in my voice when I didn't hear a response. I took out my key to her place and shoved the door open, running about the place trying to find the calm mother. I managed to find her in her room, slowly trying to get up off of the floor, I hate to say this, but she looked like shit.

"(y/n)," I whispered, rushing over to her, helping her stand, "Are you okay? What happened?" I asked gently, keeping my voice down, it was still pretty early in the morning and I didn't want the kids to wake up. (y/n) mumbled some stuff under her breath, that she was fine, just a bit dizzy, she said that as she staggered around and nearly fell down again. I wrapped an arm around her waist, the other under her knees as I scooped her up to carry her to her bed. "You're clearly not okay (n/n), you're staying in bed today." I told her, using my 'hero voice' to keep her there.

She shook her head as quickly as she could without hurting herself, "No, I can't do that. The boys' birthday is today and there's so much I have to get done." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I bent down to be at her eye level, bringing up a hand to lean against her forehead, she was burning up. Standing up again, I moved to the bathroom, soaking a towel in water, "I know you have a lot to do teddy bear, but you can't be there for their day if you can't stand." I told her quietly, placing the towel on her head. 'Did I just call her teddy bear? God, I hope she doesn't remember that.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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