chapter 6

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With the castle captured the rest of the army waited for more reinforcements and equipment as the capital city was bigger than they expected and they need more troops to capture it but it will take some time as the country they are fighting is big as India.

While the army is waiting for the reinforcements, they were helping the locals on fixing the city by removing ruble off the road and helping them fix their homes. The soldiers also began giving food and shelter to the people of the slums who were suffering from hunger and cold because of the lack of it, because of this they gained the trust of the people and the upper class people mostly the nobles living there didn't like it as they thought that the soldiers were taking their power and influence which they thought was rightfully theirs and began a revolt which was replied in kind with the Americans and Russians shooting at them which killed all of the people that participated the revolt.

After they were taken care off the upper class and some nobles stopped their protest as they feared they would receive the same fate as the people that revolted.

5 hours later

The reinforcements have arrived along with the equipment at the base and they began preparing for the assault, they also will have heavier equipment with more destructive power as the soldiers report a large stone monster, and they couldn't damage it other than chipping pieces of it away. And they thought there would be more in the capital so they sent this equipment to their soldiers just to be safe.

With necessary troops and equipment ready the army began their assault onto the capital.

10 hours later

kingdom of Elbe, capital city

The soldiers waited outside the capital waiting for the bombardment to start.

As they waited they heard the sounds of jet engines and chopping sounds, it was time.

A jets started firing missiles on the ground which lay a barrack which exploded into fiery ball of flames as the debris flew around and crashing into nerby buildings. As another fired directly into the walls of the castle where the king resides making a large hole. A-10 thunderbolt 3
Began firing their guns at the runs on the elbe'n knights on the ground who were quickly turned to bloody paste by their weapons while the helicopters were shooting down any Elbe'n knights thats in the ground

"What is happening!?" The king screamed as the palace rocked caused by the explosion outside.

"We don't know my king, all we know is that multiple iron dragons appeared out of nowhere and started wreaking havoc in the capital"

"Can we counter them?" The king asked

"We can try and send the royal wyverns to intercept them my king" he replied

"Then send them!"

"Yes my king"

General Angus then walked away to inform the royal wyverns to intercept the flying iron dragons. As more explosions happen rocking the palace.

As the man left the king looked at one of his servants at his side and then told him to call for the grand mage. The servant nodded and left the throne room leaving the king with only a one more servant and a few knights in the room.

As the aircraft continued their bombardment on the capital raining death and destruction upon the it, until their radar detected multiple unknown flying objects coming at them confused as they thought there couldn't be an aircraft for such a primitive kingdom then they look at the direction they were coming from and to their surprise saw a wyvern who was being ridden by a knight with a spear in hand, the wyvern tried getting close but they were simply too slow to catch up so they were far behind the aircraft, one of the pilots seeing how slow they are made a 190 degree turn and fired guided missiles at the wyverns which flew towards them at high speed before making contact and causing a large fiery explosions.

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