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06 — cheers

"Pretty flowers."

"Mom, I'm fine

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"Mom, I'm fine. I'm not sick—" Marlene pushes Ellie's hand away from her face, which is burning with embarrassment. "It was just anxiety."

"Marlene Finnigan you just heaved up your breakfast all over that ice, let me take your temperature." Marlene groans, but obliges.

Perfectly normal temperature, just as Marlene predicted.

"See? I told you, I was just nervous. I've been nervous since yesterday, but I'm fine now."

Lana looks at Marlene worriedly, her mouth covered with her hand. Kiara stands with her arms folded and brows furrowed.

Marlene can feel the eyes of the other skaters casting glances towards her. She lowers her voice, "You guys are making a big deal out of it." Lana sighs, exchanging a look with Ellie. Marlene color is back, she isn't trembling, and her insides aren't churning anymore. She's saying she's fine and she means it.

"Well, it is normal to be stressed after going through her schedule..." Mrs. Lana reasons. "And I don't think Marlene would be here if she were actually sick."

"And this is the first comp she's ever been to, Coach," Kiara adds. Lana adds this to her mental list.

"I want to skate," Marlene pleads. "Let me skate." Lana exhales heavily through her nostrils.

"She has until twelve to change her mind, but if she wants to skate, then I'm not one to hold her back," Lana shrugs. "Just be careful. Okay, kiddo?" Marlene smiles and nods. "Good. Now I've got to go, but let me know if anything changes. Oh! And can someone tell me when Beth, Vic, and Jane get in here?" Marlene and Kiara nod, knowing that they're around here somewhere, then Lana leaves with a small grin.

The locker room is really just a gathering place. There's changing rooms that the teams dress in. This way, family and staff can go in and out of the locker room and find who they need without violating anyone's privacy.

The locker rooms are big, too, giving the teams lots of space to stretch and conversate. There's room for their things as well, so they can get ready without worrying about intruding on other people's space.

About 30 minutes later, Elizabeth arrives with her things. She takes the area next to Marlene's, politely giving Ellie a quick hug. "Sorry I'm late. Lost my brother in the crowd."

"Well Vic and Jane aren't here yet, so I'd say you're fine." Marlene, who sits balled-up on the floor, eats a bag of chips her mother bought her. She taps her feet on the floor, her socks thudding on the rough carpet.

She waves hello to Beth, who looks at her quizzically because of where she chose to sit. Marlene just laughs to herself. Though, Kiara sits right next to her, drinking a soda she bought. Beth decides not to question the two girls and just starts to get her long hair out of her face. Ellie comes into view holding a polaroid camera. Before Marlene and Kiara know it, there's a bright flash and a victorious cackle from Ellie.

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