~Chapter 8~

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I guess.... I've fallen for him eventually... the way he respect me, my feelings, he way he says he will protect me everything about him made me fall in love with him,... it's even have been a day after my wedding and I'm already falling for him no, no, no y/n pull yourself together you can't fall for him... I won't, I won't ever fall for him I convinced myself not to fall for him because I married him for my parent's sake not because I love him or anything I slowly closed my eyes and drift to dreamland....

*Next morning*

Tae pov

I woke up as soon as I saw y/n drying her hair with the towel, looking like a goodness... when she noticed me awake she gave me a small smile and said "good morning" I wished her back "Good morning"

She continued to do her work and I went to bathroom to freshen up

Y/n pov

Tae went to bathroom to freshen up and I went to kitchen and started making breakfast for me and tae

After 20 mins tae came down and sat at the dining table as I served the breakfast we started eating it... there was an awkward silence between us until taehyung decided to speak

"Y/n were do you work?" He asked

"I work a- wait how do you know I work?" I asked giving him a curious face

"Isnt it obvious...You are wearing office clothes" he said as I made my mouth 'o'

"Why should I tell you" I said coldly

"Because I'm your husband now and you have to share everything with me" he said softly

"But still..... I don't want to...anyway eat and you leave for your work and I'll leave for mine" I suggested

"You don't need to go alone I'll drop you" he said

"No its okay I'm going alone" I pleased him

"OK as you wish" he said

"Want some coffee?" I asked him

"Yep an iced Americano please" he answered as I made it for him

"Here" I gave it to him

I was finished with my breakfast so I dumped them into sink and took my car keys and left from my work and after few mins taehyung also left left his work

*At company*

I parked my car in the parking lot and went to my office now that I'm graduated I will come at work 8 a.m
That mean I've to get a cut of coffee for my boss every morning

Boss will arrive in few mins so I went to the nearby café and brought a coffee I didn't knew which he usually drink so I just ordered the one which taehyung drinks ice Americano i ordered it and went back at company

Tae pov

I left for work and I reached at parking lot after I parked my car and stepped out of car I saw y/n's car parked beside my car I thought I might have be mistaken it by someone else's car

I shrugged off my thoughts and went o my office
I sat on the chair and turned around facing the wall

I heard steps coming towards my office and someone knocked the door "Coming in" I said in cold tone
A girl came in and said "Mr. Kim , your coffee"

"Thanks you may leave" I said keeping up my cold tone

She left and I turned around and started doing my work while sipping my coffee

Y/n pov

His voice sounded fimilar and it was too cold... hyerim was right he is cold... but why was he sitting facing the wall I really wanted to see his face ugh.. whatever...  I remembered hyerim so thought I didn't saw her from 2 days so I decided to check on her..

I went o her place where she works I saw her working she was focused so much on the screen of the computer and didn't cared about her surroundings so I decided to scare her

"BOOM!!!" I shouted not too loud for someone else to hear

"OH MY GODDD!!!! you scared me y/n" she shouted loud enough for everyone to hear

"Shhh lower your voice you are at work not at home" I scolded her gesturing to lower her voice

"OK..  sorry but why did you scared me?" She asked

"No reasons" I gave a short and simple answer

"WoW what a gurl..." she said rolling her eyes

"Y/n can we talk later I've to urgently finish this thing bye I'll catch up on you later" she said and we bid our goodbyes

I had nothing to do today there was some work but I finished it already now I'm bored

After few minutes  hyerim came running towards me and said "hey y/n can you help me finish this file I've to complete it in 20 minutes" she said as I nodded and we started working on that file

As soon as we finished it she thanked me and went to Mr. Kim office to return the files

I was bored so I just walked around the office , I saw a line of ants walking one behind other, I was curious where they were going so I followed them but suddenly I felt my head hitting someone's chest I closed my eyes tightly and screamed internally knowing I bumped into someone I opened my eyes slowly rubbing my forehead which got hit by someone's hard chest I was still looking down in embarrassment I saw a watch on that person's wrist and I remembered that, that watch Mr. Kim was wearing... I slapped myself after knowing I bumped into Mr. Kim a.k.a my freaking boss!! I looked up and apologized but what I saw widened my eyes...


Another cliffhanger!!!! Any guesses who y/n bumped into???

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There is a miss arrangement in the book, few chapter are not in order so please cooperate 🙃

Have a good day/night


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