Chapter 8: Reverse Psychology

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Months ago: somewhere before Chan and Aisha confessed

Yiren stared at her phone, watching it as it lay on the bed beside her, notification-less. Was that a word? It is now.

She knew what she was waiting for. Or who she was waiting for.

That marine architect who made homes for the underwater sea creatures, and talked like his tail was on fire 24/7, and was also very, very tsundere.

Yeah, Minho. The guy she had been talking to for about two months now, and whose messages were what she craved for now. Of course, nobody liked being lonely, and she was one in the lot. She had been lonely all this time, and now that someone had lit up a candle of warmth in her heart, she was trying her best to protect it from diminishing.

"I ain't emo, please!" she groaned as she thought about it.

Yiren? And emo? Please, that was as true as the fact that Ellen DeGeneres was not straight.

So, yes.

And she knew how he wasn't saying the truth about his profession. Who on earth would believe that, other than Trump?

Yet, she had played along, knowing how he might have been uncomfortable sharing his job with her. Not that she minded it, thought; she could understand. And what could he possibly be employed as? A stripper? She wouldn't mind that either.

Because she was chill and everyone should be like her – do not quote her on that.

That's when her phone tinged, and she didn't waste a millisecond before grabbing the device and checking. And there he was.

DoNotTextMe: hi

HaloBishes: I still can't believe that you sometimes start the conversation

HaloBishes: we've come so far hubby <3

DoNotTextMe: this is the last time this has happened

HaloBishes: you said the same thing five days ago too


DoNotTextMe: are you delulu or are you delulu

HaloBishes: are you tsundere or are you tsundere

DoNotTextMe: ooh using my techniques on me? I like it

HaloBishes: thank god you didn't say 'feisty? Ooh I like it"

HaloBishes: bec that would just be downright cringey and even I would disapprove

DoNotTextMe: is that how you think of me?

DoNotTextMe: wtf yiren

HaloBishes: nawwww I think my guy is cute af :(((

DoNotTextMe: hold your horses

DoNotTextMe: since when am I your guy?

HaloBishes: ever since we married <33333

DoNotTextMe: ew hearts

HaloBishes: ykw minho?

HaloBishes: you sometimes remind me of this idol who was also a trainee at JYPE

HaloBishes: he debuted, you might know him too

HaloBishes: Lee Know, isn't it?

The message was then left on seen, and Yiren then panicked, doubting whether she had said something wrong.

"What have I done?"


"What have I done?"

Minho had thrown his phone away as soon as he had read those messages. And let's be real, he hadn't been as scared of horror movies as he was now.

What if his identity was revealed? Considering Chan and Aisha, they had been wise enough to have kept a low profile with all these romance-y things and nobody knew that Chan was on that app, but if Yiren revealed who he was, then he was done for. Plus, he didn't have the energy to face a scandal.

So what did he do?

Reverse psychology.

DoNotTextMe: yes, I am in fact Lee Know

HaloBishes: lmfao I was kidding

HaloBishes: you can't fool me anymore bish B-)


(a/n: I feel like lino is such a complex character, like he's really unpredictable. I reread the entire book (and also rewatched a lot of their videos, shush) to get into his character and I feel like I'm not doing a good job. What do you think would be Minho's language of love? Comment please :)) (and istg If y'all say air frying, imma throw hands)

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