Chapter 8.6

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Selena paid off the taxi when it stopped at a gateway in a tense protecting the nearest wharf, using the pesos she had bought at the airport. The cab went away and she was alone with her two bags. The hot sun shone down on her bare head and sweat prickled her skin. Opening the phrasebook, she searched for words and made up a sentence. Then picking up her bags, she walked towards the gate and the guy beside it.

In the hut was a dark-faced security man. She answered his query in Spanish in her own stumbling version of the language, asking him if he could tell her whether or not there was a yacht called Jellyfish either anchored in the harbour or tied up at the wharf. When he shook his head negatively and said he didn't understand, she asked him if he spoke any English. His answer was negative. She tried Spanish again with a similar result and was beginning to feel desperate when a small truck drew up beside the fence, parking a little beyond the security man's hut where other vehicles were parked.

A young woman with wig shoulder-length blonde hair got out of the truck, slammed its door shut and strode towards the gateway. She was dressed in a pretty cotton skirt and a white sleeveless blouse. As she approached the security guard, she smiled and greeted him in Spanish. He smiled back, at once losing all his dourness, then said something quickly in Spanish gesturing to Selena. Immediately, the young woman swung towards Selena, her grey eyes sparkling in the shadow of the white sun hat she was wearing perched on her head.

"Oh. He says you're English," she said. "So am I. Can I help you? Jim says he thinks you're asking about a yacht. My name is Lisa. Lisa Mendez." She held out her hand.

Selena introduced herself and asked again if Lisa knew if there was a yacht called Jellyfish at the wharf or in the harbour.

"It's not at the wharf. I'd know if it was, because that's our boat there, that huge black schooner, and the most of the people who tie up at the wharf come aboard to see us." She laughed merrily, white teeth flashing. "You see we're a sort of fixture here, Emilio—he's my husband—and I. We sailed into this harbour having crossed the Atlantic three years ago and have been here ever since. We run a bar on board for visiting yachtsmen and Emilio tried to held them all he can by finding supplies for them, or finding mechanics or riggers to repair their equipment. But why don't you come on board? Emilio is sure to know if the yacht you're looking for is anchored out there."

With a few short sentences in Spanish, Lisa explained to the security guard that she was taking Selena to her boat; he nodded and they passed through the gateway, leaving Selena's bags in his care. They walked along the wharf to the black schooner. Its stern was wide and slanted. Its name was Bonita and there was a gangway leading on to its afterdeck from the wharf. Selena followed Lisa on to the boat and waited on deck while Lisa went below to find Emilio. Above, the two raked masts festooned was tug rigging glinted gold against the brilliant blue of the sky. Beneath her feet, the wooden deck swayed slightly as the yacht was rocked by the fierce surge that slopped against the wharf.

*A/N: Please my patron in Patreon and read chapters in advance. My other works are also available there. Or if you just want to support me. Please look for creator Zetar086.
Love lots ♥️

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