Chapter 9.6

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By the time Selena was ready to go downstairs, the sun had almost set and the house was filled with rosy light and purple shadows. There was no sound of anyone being about so she made her way to the only room she knew, the big, long lounge with the windows opening on to a terrace. Two table lamps were lit, shedding a golden glow.

There was a movement at the middle window. A man stepped into the room. He paused when he saw her. Across the room, their eyes met and held. It seems to Selena that she had come full circle. The only difference was that there was no groups of laughing, talking people between them. For a whole minute, they stood staring at each other warily. Then Keith moved, came towards her.

"Tim and Sora have dine out," he said coolly. "We're to have dinner here, unless you'd like to go somewhere else."

"No, oh, no." She was suddenly nervous. He was looking at her so intently. "Here will be fine... unless you'd like to go somewhere else."

A slight smile curled his lips.

"I usually eat here," he drawled. "I'll just go up and shower and change, get rid of some of the salt. See you in a few minutes."

They dined in a small dining-room which also opened on to the long terrace and from which there was a view of the garden and the sea beyond. Light faded while they ate and the long, dark, tropical night set in. Outside, cicadas chirped. Inside, silverware tinkled against chive. They were waited on by a small, silent Vietnamese, the husband, Keith told Selena, to the cook-housekeeper who was also from Vietnam. "They are employed by my mother who owns this house," he added.

"Where is she now?" Selena asked.

"In England. She always goes there at this time of the year. She gets homesick for April showers and May blossom."

"Don't you live here, then?"

"Only for part of the year. Most of the time now I live in Charleston. I'll be flying back there dat after tomorrow to keep an eye on things while Tim is having his vacation."

They talked, but like strangers, unlike that first time they had met, thought Selena sadly, toying with her dessert, finding the tropical fruit cup suddenly tasteless. Then, there had been nothing between them. Both of them had been fresh, open to new adventures, their minds meeting and clicking instantly. Now experience and a certain amount of pride shut them off from each other.

"If you don't want the rest of your dessert, I suggest we leave the table and go out in the terrace," Keith's voice was dry and she looked across at him. He was watching her, a twist at the corner of his mouth.

She laid her linen table napkin beside her dish and stood up. The Vietnamese appeared silently. Keith gave him some instructions and he departed. Selena wandered away from the table outside. The arm aye caressed her bare skin. From the shore came the sibilant of waves washing along the sand. She leaned against the stove balustrade and looked out at the shadowed garden.

*A/N: Please my patron in Patreon and read chapters in advance. My other works are also available there. Or if you just want to support me. Please look for creator Zetar086.
Love lots ♥️

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